9:Wonder Woman and Barbie

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Second period science was uneventful, excluding the cute boy in the corner of the room who kept glancing my way.
I see Jake leaning against a locker across the hallway from my science class, and I remember that I have art with him next.
"Jake!!" I shout as I head his way. People send me strange looks, but when Jake lifts his head from his phone he sends me a blinding smile.
"Big Foot!! How've you been?" He pulls me into a hug before heading off towards the art class.
"I saw you like three days ago bud, but I know you just can't stand to be parted from this." I wave a hand around me.
"Ha, you wish." I duck under his arm when he tries to reach over and ruffle my hair. Sticking my tongue out at him I enter the art room and introduce myself to the teacher. She then, seeing Jake standing beside me, assigns me as his table partner, and we head to our seats.
Dropping my bag on the floor I settle onto the high stool. "So Jake how do you like art?"
He turns a light shade of pink, before landing over to whisper in my ear.
"You can't tell anyone, but I love it." I smile at this, and I get that being in love with a paintbrush isn't very manly so I assure him I won't tell anyone.
"I love it too." I bump his shoulder as more people start to file into the room, everyone taking their given seats and shooting glances our way.
"Welcome everyone! I am Miss Peter, and I would like to start the year out with a simple sketch of what ever you want. You can begin." I look up and see paper being passed backwards from the front, and I glance in the cubby of my desk to find some sketching pencils, tucked in a nice little tin tray.

By the end of class I've got more than a few gasps and compliments on my sketch. And more than a few wow's from Jake.
I had decided to sketch a picture of Wonder Woman, I mean she's my idol so why not. So as the class went on my pencil glided across the paper, my finger smudging the sharp lines, and my eraser restarting it all. But by the time class had 5 minutes left, I smudge the last line and set my pencil down.
Jake glances over and his jaw drops.
"Holy crap Cameron, it looks like she's about to jump off the paper and kick my butt." I laugh at this but add my tiny initials to corner of the page.
"Thanks Jake, but look at yours it's pretty amazing if i do say so." He has drawn a surrealism piece, with the ocean, and lightening and a bunch of other meaningful crap I won't go into detail about.
"Ok class, it's time to go, just put your name on the back and leave it on your table." Miss Peter says from behind her desk. I quickly scribble my name onto the back, and pick my bag up of the ground.
"Bye Jake, see you later." he sends me a small wave before heading the opposite way down the hall.

Now just to find my next class.
I get to math jut as the bell rings, its not my fault I'm horrible with directions. And of course it's just my luck that the last open seat is beside Matt. His legs are propped in the seat like he didn't want anyone to sit down, but when he sees me he drops his legs and pulls out the chair for me.
"Missed me that much huh?" I smirk as I sit down. The teacher is calling role and I say here when she says mine.
"No I just can't stand half the people in this class, you at least, I can tolerate." his smirk grows as I shove his shoulder.

Math is spent with him constantly teasing me, and since its the first day the teacher only tells us that we will have a big semester project and then leaves us to be teenagers. And I say this literally, there is a couple making out in the corner, a group of cheerleaders gossiping and giggling, and a group of jocks sending winks and whistles their way. I snort when I see a guy being blatantly turned down when he tries to get one of the cheerleaders numbers.

"Oh you can't blame him for trying." Matt says when he sees what I'm laughing at.
"I don't, but its refreshing to see guys not getting everything they want." Matt mumbles something that sounds an awfully a lot like "tell me about it." but when I ask he just mumbles a never mind.

The rest of the day passes quickly, and before I know it I'm waiting outside the school building for Matt.
The rest of the day was a little different than expected, such as when Matt shoved a guy into a locker when he whistled at me. And when I sat with them at lunch and people kept staring and pointing at me. So right there in the middle of the whole school, Dallas stood on his seat and yelled, "yes she's a girl, yes she's our friend! Now can all of you shut the hell up and get on with your lives?!" But it didn't really sound like a question.
Finally I see Matt exiting the building across the parking lot, but before he gets to his car that I'm currently leaning against, miss Barbie saunters over to him and kisses him smack on the lips. Now it kind of freaks me out because she literally just came out of no where, and I'm even more surprised when he almost instantly pries her off and sets her away from him. But the most surprising thing is when he glances my way with guilt on his face. What's that for?
I keep watching as she stomps her high heeled foot and storms away after a few short words from Matt. Who wears heels to school anyways?
He continues heading my way uninterrupted this time.
"Um....... er sorry about that." I don't bother to answer him until we are both buckled into the leather seats of his car.
"It's none of my business." Even though I mean my words, I can't help but be curious. "But while we are on the subject, who is she?" Even though I spent almost all of the last weeks with him and his friends, she was always absent or sulking in a corner when I was around and I had never managed to catch her name.
"That's Barbara, she's uh..... an old fling." He scratched the back of his neck before shifting the car into reverse and heading back to our houses. I burst out laughing until I'm bent over in my seat clutching my stomach and tears are threatening to spill.
"What?" Matt sends me a funny look as I try to regain control of myself, but I mean come on how is that coincidence even possible.
"Her name...... is Barbara!!" I manage to gasp out.
"Yeah so?" He keeps looking at me like I'm crazy. I wait to answer him when my breathing is almost normal.
"Well since I never knew her name, I secretly called her platinum Barbie." I pause to see if he catches it. It takes him a minute but when he does his whole face lights up and he starts laughing. His laugh is so deep and breathy I get chills.
What the heck! Since when do I get chills when he laughs?

We continue laughing all the way home, and when he pulls up to the curb at my house, I almost don't want to leave.
"Hey I'm going to drive tomorrow. You can ride if you want to." I say standing outside his car leaning my head back down to look through the open window.
"Woah, don't get ahead of yourself now tiger." His smirk is so big I almost reach over and smack it off his face.
"Oh shut up, Mattie. You wish." I laugh over my shoulder as I head to my front porch. I just barely reach the steps when I hear him yell back.
"You bet I do!" He yells as he peels away from the curb and on down the road passing his house. I shake my head with a small smile on my face as I enter the house.
Oh boy, that boy.

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