Revenge is best served cold

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Barry and Sebastian are two different people, Barry was logical thinking, while Sebastian had a tendency to do something huge if the situation came up.


Barry had finally come to accept his past, reconnecting with all his high school friends. He was working on a case when his mobile went off. Answering it, he heard a frantic Kurt, "is he going to be alright! The police call it a 'mugging gone wrong'! He has a broken leg arm and three fractured ribs! Please is he going to be ok?!"

Barry replied, "yeah, he is going to be ok, alright. I am no medical expert but he is in good hands ok." He could practically see the wave of relief flood over Kurt. Agree to him, Kurt quickly hung up on him, getting back to what he was doing.


Captain Cold quickly grabbed the nearest standing thing, which was the Flash, as he recovered from being zoomed halfway across the world. "What the hell Flash?!!" He shouted at the speedster, who just smirked in return.

Back at Star Labs, they were all busying around. Flash's suit had gone offline. They had no communications to him and no way of tracking where he was or what condition he was in. Red lights and alarms were ringing everywhere.

"Oh, just wanted to be able to talk to you. Without anyone being able to hear. The communications are off, they are most likely having a panic at the moment. It is like we have both disappeared." Flash replied, the smirk still across his face. He gently pushed Captain Cold off him.

"Ok, now you have me interested," CC replied.

"I come to have a nice little talk, villain to villain," Flash smirked.

"What?" CC intellectually replied.

Pulling down his hood, Sebastian replied, "Oh, just going back to my roots, sent people to a hospital, made someone nearly kill themselves, I was a villain. Even got a group chat for it. Villain name, voted by all of them, Seductive Demon. Now, want to hear what I have to say?"

CC just nodded, still trying to correspond what he had just been told.

"I am called Bartholomew Henry Sebastian Smythe Allen. One of the richest people alive, heir to the Smythe fortune. Now, I would like some of your assistance. You see, some people have decided that it be best to get on the bad side of me and assault some of my friends. Now, what I am saying is that I want you to help me hand their ass to them on a silver platter and I may be able to turn a blind eye to you stealing something." Sebastian said. "Oh, call me Sebastian, Barry is gone." He then added.

A small smirk appeared across  Captain Cold's face. "Len then."


Barry had returned back to STAR Labs, returning the suit before he flashed over to his house, dragging CC with him. He got into a smart suit before he dragged the board Len out of the living room. He drove the two of them to a private airport. Soon they where on his private jet.


Sebastian led the high confused Len towards his multi-million-pound mansion.

"So, this is yours?" Len asked him.

"Yeah, I am one of the richest people alive, along with being the fastest so don't get any ideas," Sebastian replied.


"Bassy, who is your smoking hot friend next to you? Afraid we will steal him away?" Cooper asked Sebastian when they were all sat down in one of the smaller living rooms.

"Oh, this is Leonard Snart. Thief extraordinaire. One of Americas most wanted." Sebastian replied, pointing over to him, shrugging slightly.

"Brother... You do know that you have brought a thief into your mansion right?" Cooper said, talking to Sebastian like he was a deranged kid.

"It's cool. I and Snart have an understanding." Sebastian shrugged.

"Of course he does..." Cooper whispered, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow at him but otherwise ignored the comment.


Len walking into the bar, the dark atmosphere settling well with him. This was what he was used to. "So, I heard that you two where the ones that hit down Sebastian's friends? I have a little job that seems right down your alley. My target? Sebastian Smythe. He will be attending the art gallery tomorrow. Only one guard and he will be focusing in on one painting, so won't be focusing on his surrounding people." Len said, sitting down in front of two people.

"What's in it for us?" One of them replied gruffly.

"Sebastian Smythe will be taken down in your name, the thief world will know your name," Len replied before he slipped him a card that held all the needed information.

With a short nod from the two men as they put away the card, Len walked out the bar, a small smirk spread across his face.


Barry walked into the art gallery, his guard following at a small distance. The man knew what was going to be going on, so knew that he may be taken down at one point during the night. He did not mind it, meant that he had a little cash in his pocket. Barry walked straight over to the newest painting on show. He would bid on this, win it, then while it would be transitioning, then he would pop off, leaving the others for the thieves to appear.


"Sold!" The auctioneer shouted, pointing at Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded before the rest of the auction continued. He walked over to the toilet, knowing what was about to be happening.


"Everyone! Hands in the air!" One of the men shouted, firing a few shots into the air. He then turned to his companion whispering into his ear, "were is Snart?!"

"I don't know he said that he would be here by now!" The other man replied.


Sebastian was happily humming away to himself when Len walked in.

"Everything is done, police are here, I better go before they catch me. Goodby Scarlet Speedster." Len said before he walked away again.


Sitting by Kurt's bed, he looked down on his friend and the other that is still out of it. 

"Thanks for being here," Kurt said to him.

"It was no problem at all," Barry replied, smiling at his banged-up friend.


Barry walked into STAR Labs, reading the newspaper, it's title was,
'Huge hostage holding. Two men who had previously attacked the Hummel couple found to be trying to kill Sebastian Smythe. The painting that he brought has also mysteriously disappeared... Is this the work of a mysterious man?'

"Hope you like the painting Snart..." Barry mumbled to himself, sitting down at his desk.


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