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Barry was never one for showing his anger, Sebastian was not either. Something that was the same with both of them is what happens when he gets angry.

He gets explosive, Sebastian comes out stronger than the hardest diamond.

There are only a few that have experienced him being angry...

Though it was about times others found out.


Barry found himself stuck in the middle of CCPD, all the other officers surrounding him, locked in hearty arguments. His hand's grip on his cup of coffee was becoming harsher and harsher. It meant that it was being crushed slightly and shaking around, threatening to spill its boiling contents onto everyone.

Barry was having to fight off a massive migraine that was forming as the noise of everyone was increasing. He knew that there was no way out of the centre and he knew that the captain would not be splitting it up as they where also arguing with Joe off to the side on something, not really hearing the commotion, or not caring, which was more likely to be true at this level of noise. "SHUT UP FOR ONE SECOND WILL YOU!!!!" He finally shouted into the air, having lost all his patience and self-control.

The room fell deathly silent, everyone staring at the fuming Barry.

"Now, are you all done arguing like spoiled bitchs, or are you going to move out of my fucking way so I can get out of this mass argue pit?" Barry asked them all, his eyes hardened in anger. When no one went to move, he continued with, "seems as none of you knows how to move out the way, I will tell you how to get your lazy ass out of the way. It is as simple as moving your stick legs to move your mountains of bodies, yes that is all it takes. Don't need to have to talk, don't need to even look in my direction, though I can list multiple reasons as to why. Make sure you leave a fucking big enough gap, I may be lean, but I don't want to have to even touch one of you smelling bastards. Seriously, water won't kill you, shampoo is not a deadly poison!" Sebastian growled to all them. When they all started to move out the way, leaving him a path to move, Sebastian smirked and stated to them in such a demanding tone it seemed to freeze everyone even more so, "there we go, wasn't that simple? Now you can continue your petty arguments while I get to keep whatever sanity I have left because of this situation. Perfect for all of us." Just as he reached the stairs, he turned around and addressed them in a low threatening voice that even the toughest of cops felt very vulnerable against him, "now, you best be keeping your voice down... Otherwise, a migraine may appear, that will not be ending very good for any of you."


Everyone was stood there in complete shock for quite some time, waiting as their brains fought to try and catch up with what had happened.

Finally, Joe seemed to shake out of his frozen shock and thought to check on the security cameras. He needed to show the team this, see if they could find a link that would cause Barry to explode so much.


The whole of Team Flash stood around in shock at what they had just watched, Cisco was looking between a snoozing Barry and the screen.

"Where did that come from? I never knew that Barry had that in him!" Iris whisper-shouted.

"I don't know, I have never seen him react even closely like that. In fact, I don't remember even seeing him remotely angry at any point." Cisco said, his eyebrows knit in deep thought. "I think I know someone who could explain this though. You might not like him, but he could hold the answer." Cisco said, after a moment.

"Who?" Joe asked.

"Leonard Snart."

"What?!!" They all shouted.

They all looked back and saw that Barry was still asleep, he could truly sleep through anything.

"He could be the only one that could be able to figure out why Barry is behaving in such a way. Maybe it is to do with something in his past, this just caused it to all come out?" Cisco said but opened a breach before anyone could question further, pushing them all through before joining them on the other side.


Every one of them watched in anticipation of how Snart would react to the video that he was currently watching. When it had finally finished, he turned and faced them in smug amusement.

"Thought you would have figured it out without me. Barry has a little second person that he became in High School, that same person appears when he gets angry. Well, that is what I have heard. This video here just proved it. I won't share anything more, that is for Scarlet to do. Now, you want to know another reason as to why he can blow up in such a way when angry?" Snart asked, hiding his great amusement really well when he thought that he should really be laughing his head off at this point.

"What is it?" Catlin asked.

"He's French."


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