Barry Allen in high school, ha right!

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Barry Allen does not exist through high school. Sebastian Smythe only exists in high school. Two halves to one whole. It was time someone put the two back together.


Barry was coming in late to the CCPD, again, when he was stopped by the Captain.

"Barry Allen, my office now." The Captain stated, not expressing a reason as to why.

As the Captain walked into the room, everyone looked at him, all asking the same question.

"What have you done now?" All their eyes told him.

Raising his hands in the air, Barry shrugged, really not knowing why he was in trouble. So when he walked into the room, he was bracing himself for what was to come.

"Barry Allen does not exist in high school want to say why? No matter, looking into it, I saw someone who looked just like you, they only exist in high school." The Captain said, looking directly at Barry. "His name is Sebastian Smythe. Ring a bell?"

Sighing, Barry answered, "yeah, I was shipped off elsewhere for high school. I was bullied because I was the son of a murderer who murdered his own wife. After I got hospitalised, I was sent away. I picked up the name Sebastian Smythe, the name Allen was too well known. Along with the new name, a new personality and behaviour came. I stopped being the pushover and became my own person."

"New personality and behaviour would definitely be called upon. You were named to be a 'Villain'..." The Captain said.

"...'Seductive Demon' was the name, 'Sexy Villains' was the group. I was the leader and 'president' of the group. The group was formed in retaliation to a club the rival school made. Things just went more serious than theirs." Barry added.

"As I was saying, you were also in a, now, world-renowned group. The Warblers. Specifically the 2013 group. Now, why would this be important?" The Captain asked.

"It is when all the bullshit happened," Barry replied.

"Is this 'character' coming through again? Little sweet Barry Allen would never dream of swearing, let alone in front of his boss. Now, I also heard that you were the Captain in your junior years. You became one of the well-known ones. Could you explain why?"

"I created the rivalry between the different glee groups." Barry sighed.

"Correct, now why else?"

"I was not always the 'nicest' in going after them. In jealousy, I put someone in emergency surgery to save their eyesight," Barry sighed more.

"Yes, why does this surprise me so much?"

"I would not dare to hurt anyone. But I didn't mean to hit him in the face. I meant to hit his boyfriend, Lady Hummel," Barry said, trying to defend himself.

"But the point is, you are not who you say you are. You have lied - to all of us - you could easily do it again. I will be taking you off the team, now you will only be working on major parts." The Captain stated.

Smirking, a bit of Sebastian coming through, Barry replied, smugly, "so you are taking your 'best' CSI off the case? My my, not many are off case are they? Almost be giving days off?"

"Call them what you want but get out of this building and only come back when we have a job for you!" The Captain said, rising to his feet.

"Alright then... Captain." Barry smirked, more of Sebastian coming through.

He walked out of the room with the wide smirk on his face. Instead of heading to the door, he started to head towards the stairs. This caught the attention of all the cops, honestly, they were all easily distracted.

"What are you doing Allen?! I told you to get out of the building!" The Captain exclaimed, coming out of his room.

"Only getting some bits," Barry smirked.

"No, you will leave the building until you are allowed back in." The Captain stated.

"No, I will be grabbing some things before leaving the building and not coming back till I am allowed," Barry stated, leaning on the wall by the stairs.

"You will be leaving this building this instance!" The Captain stated.

"Do you forget... Captain? I am as stubborn as a mule on a very stubborn day." Barry stated, his smirk increasing in size.

"Just get your stuff then go!" The Captain exclaimed, giving up on the matter, knowing that he really could be stubborn when he put his mind to it.

"Yesh! Who pissed in your drink?" Barry dramatically said, throwing his hands in the air, causing almost all of the Cops to snigger slightly under their breath causing Barry to smirk wildly at all of them.

"ALLEN!" The Captain shouted.

Soon Barry had collected what he wanted and was walking down the stairs. He was humming a song to himself, not stopping, even when everyone stared at him. Just as he reached the door, he sang just a tiniest of bits of the song.

"Everybody's got a dark side. Can you love me? Can you love mine?" He sang, before leaving the building.


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