Bonus, Kara is Marley one-shot

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Kara remembered, she remembered when she went to Earth one in High School. She remembers the Glee clubs. She remembers not wanting to be a part of the 'heroes'. She remembers all of that.

Most of all, something she only remembered not too long ago. She remembers a man, someone who was well known. She remembers Sebastian Smythe. Then she remembered Barry Allen, the Flash and how similar they look.

She thinks it is time that Marley Rose makes an appearance again.


"Hey, Alex? You still have the breach thing?" Kara asked her adoptive sister.

"Yeah, why?" Alex asked back.

"I need to pay a quick visit to Earth one," Kara replied.

"Yeah, let me just grab it." She said, walking out of the room. She walked back in a few minutes later with it in her hands. "Here you go," Alex said, passing it to her.

"Thanks," Kara said before she opened the breach and headed through.


Cisco was just working on the Flash suit when an alert rang through the building. Glancing quickly at the screen, he saw that it was a breach alert, so, heading down to were it was arriving, he went to go check it out.

When he got there, he saw Kara stepping out, overtaking his deep lung-fulls of air. "I need to get fitter..." He said as he got some control over his breathing. "Hey Kara, what are you here for?"

"Is Barry here? I have something to say to him." Kara said, glancing around the room.

"I can get him here for you," Cisco said before he sent out a message to him. Thus causing him to arrive a few moments later.

"Barry Allen, I will be having a talk with you about something are you are not to even try to run away or I will hunt. you. down!" Kara said to Barry.

"Oh, will you now?" Barry smirked, knowing that she has remembered her past again.

"Oh, don't you be all smirking now! I want to know the reason why you were like that?!" Kara said into his face.

"By having mental scars from the bullies and watching my mother be murdered in front of me, then my father arrested for her death?!" Barry exclaimed, Sebastian coming through.

"That does not explain why you behaved like that!!! All those lives you ruined! What was it for?! To prove that you can stand up for yourself and was not a crazy teen who only talks about a 'man in yellow'?!! You nearly blind someone then mad another try to take their life! What was that all for?!! Want to prove to everyone that you have crazed DNA in your blood?!" Kara shouted, some Marley coming into play.

"To prove that you don't take what's mine!! I was the one that was always around with him! Flirting with him at every point! I was the one that wanted him from the start!! Not Lady Hummel!! He did not want him!! That is all Blaine fucking talked about!!! That and the stupid heroes your school had!" Sebastian roared at Kara.

"You were just so caught up being the crime boss that you could not see what you were doing!! You just wanted to be with your villains!" Marley said, her eyes tear-swollen.

"I could see and I couldn't care less! I had the power! I had the control!" Sebastian said, quite forgetting that Cisco was still in the room.

"This is why you had no friends because you spat and tour at everything they have!!" Marley shouted.

"Oh, like your wealth? Wait... You had no wealth! Your mother hand-made your skirt, just so that you could get into that bullshit glee club!" Sebastian exclaimed.

Tears sprung to Marley's eyes at the mentioned at this. "Just because you were a Smythe, Sebastian! Does not mean that you get to flash your wealth around!" She said to him, her feelings wrapping around her.

"Oh, Marley Rose. I know oh so well that I can flash it around. Is that not who I am?" Sebastian said calmly, his smirk wide across his face. He tapped into his speed, the lightning filling his eyes, sparking around his body.

"You are a sick man, Sebastian!" Marley said in disgust.

"I know it and I love it," Barry smirked.

Marley flew out of the room, fighting back her tears. She knew that if she was to bring Sebastian up, that the man himself would make a biting recurrence. She knew that he would be more bite than bark.


She landed down in the Ohio park that she used to frequent when she went to high school. The new directions went here a few times as well. She knew that coming here would cause trouble, just, so much more than she thought.

"Marley?" She heard someone whisper in surprise.

Turning around, she saw a group she had never dreamt of meeting again. The New Directions were facing her.

"H...hey?" She whispered shyly, waving her hand tentatively.

"Marley!" They all shouted, grabbing her into a hug.

"How have you been?" Blaine asked her.

"Oh, you know, super and all." She laughed.


When Kara finally arrived back on her Earth, she was shattered. All the mixed emotions messing with her head.

"Hey, Kara... Wow... You look tired. What did you do on Earth one?" Alex asked her.

"Oh, you know... Caught up with some old friends. Then pissed off an old enemy and new friend. Who has powers since the time he was an enemy of mine." Kara sighed.

"Who is he?" Alex asked, looking interested at who Kara had pissed off.

"Sebastian Smythe. Or as you would know him as, Barry Allen." Kara sighed again.

"Now, why would he be so bad. Barry is a nice person, he is even a hero!" Alex said, dragging the attention of Winn.

"He is no hero, not after what he has done..." Kara whispered darkly before she flew out of the room.


Looking up at her ceiling, Kara thought over what had happened over the day. She messed everything up so much. If she had just been more sensible. Let Barry explain. Then all this could have been avoided. Though, she did catch up with her old group again.

Guess all dark clouds can have a silver lining. She would not be who she is today without the fact of her life as Marley Rose.


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