Your knees please!

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Barry walked into Jitters, heading towards the counter. He ordered himself an iced flash before he started to walk towards STAR Labs. The CCPD still don't have a new building after the old one got burnt down, so he was out of work. He did not really feel the need to rush, surprising I know, everyone seemed to be on break and Captain Cold's theft won't be till Friday, so he did not have to worry about that either. Overall, he had some time to spend to himself and he liked the sound of that.

"Hey, twink!"

"Hey, Scarlet!"

Two people's voices called out simultaneously. The first voice turned out to be Santana, the other, Leonard. Barry easily felt his lives smash together.

"Hey, Sha-queer-a." Sebastian drawled, as Barry was shoved to the corner of his mind. "Hey, Frosty." Sebastian then smirked to Snart.

Santana seemed to be holding back a smirk, obviously happy to see that he had not lost himself completely. Snart seemed to be a little thrown by how he had replied, but covered it quite well. Sebastian was impressed.

"I thought that the meerkat was gone for good?" She asked him, her smirk starting to tug at the tips of her straight lipped mouth.

"Oh, he's never gone. Especially while you still walk this Earth, Satan. Now, you going to explain why you are down here, ruining my day?" Sebastian replied.

"Oh, I could be asking the same for you Twink," Satan replied. God how Sebastian disliked her.

"I live and work here. Now, are you going to let me through or am I going to have to throw my perfectly good iced flash all over your pretty little head? Don't worry, there is no rock salt here. Can't risk damaging your perfect image." Sebastian smirked, heavy sarcasm in play, causing Frosty's eyes to widen.

"Seems like you really can't change then, can you?" Satan said before she walked away, obviously in a huff.

Sebastian dragged the frozen Frosty to a dark alleyway before flashing the pair of them away to STAR Labs.


Sebastian deposited Frosty into one of the available chairs in the cortex, before leaning back casually in his chair. "I think I broke him." Sebastian shrugged, smirking slightly as he pointed over at the still frozen Snart.

Everyone seemed to jump about a mile in the air as their brains fully registered what had just happened. They glanced between Sebastian and Captain Cold who seemed to have frozen solid in shock of something, apparently because of Sebastian, well Barry as that is who they knew him as.

"No one going to answer, all going to look like you have seen a ghost? Need I put something up for you to see?" Sebastian asked, before rolling his eyes when he got no answer. He pulled out his phone, typing a few different things on it, before, smirking at everyone, he tapped it making every screen in the whole room showing the same message.

'Answers start when mouths open.'

The result was almost instantaneous. Snart snapped out of his frozen state, his eyes shooting straight over to Sebastian's. The others shook themselves slightly, their mouths closed if they had previously been open before they too looked directly at Sebastian. Though they never did seem to reach his own.

"What is going on with you Scarlet?!" Snart said, jumping to his feet.

"Yeah, you better explain Barry Henry Allen. Where did all this come from?" Iris said, acting like an overprotective sister. The thought made Sebastian want to throw up.

"Not my name..." Sebastian drawled before he too got to his feet.

Snart marched right up to Sebastian, their eyes lying at the same height. The two stared at each other for the briefest of seconds before Snart said, "I don't care who you are! But you certainly are not Scarlet. Now would you be polite enough to leave him alone! "

"Hm..." Sebastian started. Pretending that he was looking for an answer. "How about... No. My whole name is Barry Henry Sebastian Smythe Allen. I am Sebastian Smythe. I am Barry Allen. I am The Flash. All three, all so far apart for each other, are the same person. Sebastian Smythe, the well-known villain from Dalton Academy. Barry Allen, CSI for the CCPD. The Flash, resident hero of Central City. They are all the same person. Barry Allen is just remembering who he really is, who he feels best as being. He is remembering what it is like to be Sebastian Smythe. A name who people would fear. He is sitting back, letting me, Sebastian Smythe, take over, letting the true him come to the surface, as he easily slipped back when She-queer-a appeared to ruin his day... And must I say, he is rather enjoying this." Sebastian smirked. He raised himself to his full height, easily toppling Snart's height.

Sebastian could see that, out of the corner of his eye, everyone was thrown by what he had just said. He was focusing in on Snart, reading his emotions. The icy blue eyes flashed with different emotions. Suddenly, they opened with recognition and fear, as Snart dropped to his knees, his head low.

Sebastian could hear the gasps from the others, but he quickly pushed their reactions aside as he addressed them, pointing to Snart. "See, someone knows their place." He said, his eyes glinting darkly.

Everyone seemed to freeze at what he has said, until one of them showed Sebastian that they have even the smallest of brains, leaving the others to follow their lead. Catlin dropped to her knees, Killer Frost appearing as she went down on her knees.

Sebastian smirked before he grabbed Leonard on the arm, flashing out, but not before gripping Killer Frost in his other hand.


He skidded to a stop, depositing the two on the floor leaving to two to get up from their mess on the ground. Looking out at the abandoned buildings. "ROGUES!!!" Sebastian bellowed, growling, into the air.

Soon, all the Rogues appeared from the different buildings, keeping an eye on him, but not really approaching, leaving a semi-circle of space in front of him.

As Snart and Killer Frost got fully up, he glared at the two of them, such hate and anger fueling it. The two quickly dropped to their knees again, heads hung low. He smirked at the reaction that the Rogues had. Their eyes were wide open as they saw their boss on his knees for the man that faced him, as well as Killer Frost, someone known to never show such respect to, even if they are her boss.

"Well then, guess a little introduction is needed. Now, don't be alarmed, but. I was The Flash. I used to be the person that put you all behind bars. But no more, I have decided," Sebastian started, chuckling slightly as he looked at each of them with his signature smirk, "that I am to go back down this path. That I was to become who faces you again. Captain Cold here knows who I am, Killer Frost knows who I am. Can you guess? No, want to leave it to me. Don't want you to have to dust off the old clogs in your head. I am... Sebastian Smythe. Yes, I know that you may not believe me, that Sebastian had gone off the grid. Well, who else could bring these two to their knees? Only me, only Sebastian Smythe." Sebastian looked over at everyone, his eyes glinting darkly. "Now I have control of all you. You are all under my control." He whispered darkly to everyone.

Even though he said it so quietly, everyone heard, their ears capturing the words he whispered darkly to everyone. They all knew what this meant, but they also knew what it meant if they were to abandon him, they would be traitors. Sebastian hates traitors. They all too got to their knees, bowing their heads at him.

Sebastian looked over the group. Oh, how he loved being a crime boss... Lord even!


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