I'm French

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"So," The Captain spoke, "Harry Benelium. He stole three priceless pieces of jewellery."

Barry was so bored with the meeting, there was nothing for CSI to do. Normally he got away with not going, this time he had been dragged in. So he had to sit there through all of it.

"He has a younger sister, she has most likely got the jewellery. We need Eddie to go undercover and get them." One of the people said.

"What would I need to do?" Eddie asked.

'This is getting slightly more interesting.' Barry thought to himself.

"We need you to form a relationship, then you can be allowed in without having a permit. Eddie is the only one that would be capable of this." Captain answered.

Eddie visibly paled, looking very uncomfortable. "Um... I... Er..." He tried to speak.

"Surely he can't, he is with Iris. He can't." Joe said.

"No, he is the only one with a chance, this is not going to change." The captain said with finality.


The rest of the meeting just went by as Barry was deep in thought about what happened. He was currently still deep in thought, looking through Susie Benelium, sister to Harry Benelium.

"Please tell me you are not thinking about it," Joe said, walking in and seeing Barry's facial expression.

"Eddie has absolutely no chance. He is already in a relationship, she will kill him, or if she don't Iris will." Barry spoke looking through her file again.

"You saying that you will go in as Flash?" Joe inquired.

"No, I will go undercover, more chance. Also, if Flash goes in, it will look far too suspicious." Barry said, leaving no room for argument. "I will be going on Friday, with or without your help."


Barry walked into the bar, dressed in a leather jacket and jeans, instantly comfortable with the atmosphere.

He spotted her sitting at the bar, an empty seat next to her. Sitting down, Barry called over for a drink. He just ignored Cisco in his ear, for now, not really need him.

"A straight glass of Courvoisier." He ordered, knowing it had no effect to him. He still had it because he was fitting into Sebastian. Seb was on show now.

"A French man then?" She inquired.

"Takes one to know one. Mother is French and went to high school in Paris." Barry, no, Sebastian replied, smirking.

Looking directly at him, she questioned, "What's your favourite thing to do in the city of love?"

His smirk widened as he replied, "exactly what the name suggests."

Looking highly interested, she asked, "now how might that be?"

Leaning in, he whispered to her, "now, it's not so good to describe. But I would happily give your demonstration." At the last bit, he sent a perfect wink to her.

"Susie Benelium." She said, holding out her hand to shake. Seb could hear Cisco having a meltdown in his ear.

"Sebastian Smythe," Sebastian replied, grasping her hand.

'HOW IS HE DOING THIS?!!' Cisco screamed, luckily away from the mike.

Sebastian led her out, whispering a few 'enticing' words into her ear. Just as they were close to the car that Joe and Eddie were waiting in, Barry whispered into her ear, wrapping his arm her waist, "you are really bossy, hope this particular trait carries on into the bedroom."

"Oh, it certainly does." She said, before, as they stepped in front of their car, she pulled him down by the collar into a kiss. Barry pulled her towards him by the waist, deepening the kiss. "Now, how about we move this to the bedroom, show me how the French have fun." She whispered, before briskly leading him towards her house. "I'm going to freshen up a bit, feel free to have a look around." She said to him, walking up the stairs.

He flashed around the whole house, coming across the required bits quite quickly. Before he flashed over to Joe and Eddie.

"I think you will find my job is done." He said, startling them from their shock. They nodded meekly in return, before calling in the cops to arrest her.

Barry stood at the corner of the road, watching as she was arrested, before zooming off to STAR Labs.


Quickly, Cisco asked him, "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!!"

Sending a small smirk at him, Barry replied. "What do I say, I'm French."


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