Run to the Hills

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Barry always felt like he did not fit in like there was something out of place with him. When he was Sebastian, he fitted it. He was someone everyone knew, but not because he was the son of the man who 'killed' his wife, but like - him, Sebastian Smythe. 

One of the reasons was his singing. The performances that he made. Being apart of the Warblers. Being the Captain of the Warblers. 

He missed all of that, but if it was to come down to one thing, out of everything mentioned, it would be performing, the thrill he gets from singing and dancing. 


Barry stared down on his phone for what felt like the twentieth time that minute. Finally cracking, he lifted it to his ear, ringing a certain, familiar number. "Hello, it's Sebastian, I need your assistance."


Everything was in place, everything prepared in Jitters, just the feeling of what was about to happen was enough to send shivers down his spine. What added to that feeling is that Iris had asked for the whole of their family, including their friends at STAR Labs - they are family now - for a get together there. Right when he planned everything. 

He walked into the building, the doorbell ringing softly in his ear. His whole body posture and attitude changed in a second. Barry Allen was gone, in his place stood Sebastian Smythe.

Seeing Sebastian walked through the door, the Warblers scattered through the room started to hit out a beat. Some were stamping, clapping and hitting a beat, while a few others were using spoons and the legs of the tables to hit out a more metallic beat. Soon, from a far corner, an electric guitar started. Everyone went silent, surprised at the sudden start in music. 

White man came across the sea
He brought us pain and misery
He killed our tribes, killed our creed
He took our game for his own need
We fought him hard, we fought him well
Out on the plains we gave him hell
But many came too much for Cree
Oh, will we ever be set free?

Sebastian's voice ran through the building, shocking everyone. Everyone was staring at him. Luckily nothing was dropped and broke, for everyone was staring at him like he was an alien. 

Riding through dust clouds and barren wastes
Galloping hard on the plains
Chasing the redskins back to their holes
Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children are cowards attack

The beat increased, so did the walk that Sebastian had. He was now central in the room, he was moving his legs, jolting on the spot in time to the beat. 

Run to the hills, run for your lives
Run to the hills, run for your lives

The voices and lyrics echoed through the room. Some still hidden Warblers got up around the room, joining in with Sebastian with the lyrics. They too jolted in the spots that they appeared in.

Soldier blue in the barren wastes
Hunting and killing their game
Raping the women and wasting the men
The only good Injuns are tame
Selling them whiskey and taking their gold
Enslaving the young and destroying the old

The lyrics beat into them all with the same pace as the stamps of the originals. Sebastian's voice rang out above the noise of everything else as it punched long and hard out the lyrics, dragging out the 'old'. Everything would be broken at Sebastian's choice in song - with such 'unpleasant' vocabulary. 

Run to the hills, run for your lives
Run to the hills, run for your lives

Sebastian was up on a table, an electric guitar in hand. His agile digits worked quickly over the keys. A few people around the room fell from their chairs, not expecting any of this to come from sweet Barry Allen, let alone for his to be able to play an electric guitar so well and for an Iron Maiden song.

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