Little time in the CCPD

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Barry Allen, the man who was sweeter than sweets. Sebastian Smythe, the man who was spicier than chillies. Sometimes, you can get sweets that are spicy and spices that are sweet. This is the same for these two men.

They're the same person.

It just takes different things for their different sides to come through.


Barry was remarkably not late to the CCPD, he was already working away in his lab by the time of his normal arrival. He was not so busy that it meant he could not hear the shouting.

Like all good workers in the CCPD, he got distracted and wanted to find out what it was all about.

He really should have stayed in his lab though, especially when he saw who was shouting. Santana Lopez was shouting at the Captain. No one was able to make out what she was shouting, not even the Captain it seemed. He was just staring at her, letting her have he shouting, it was not like they could stop her. She was too well known for them to just arrest her without a bigger reason then.

Barry thought the best thing to do in this situation was to gain her attention. It was easy, but maybe not the best thing to do.

Sebastian was going to make an appearance.

"Sha-Queer-A, have you forgotten? Men don't always understand when you open your mouth," Sebastian drawled walking forwards, his smirk present over his tipped face. He walked towards her, his hands behind his back.

She spun around the moment she heard him speak. "Fivel, you were dead," she said the moment she saw him.

"Oh, I'm perfectly alive," Sebastian drawled again.

You could see that all of the officers in the building were watching the interactions between the two. Joe was just staring in shock. The Captain had a calculating look on his face, for some reason or another.

"Why you here, finally getting arrested?" Santana questioned, a small smirk appearing across her lips.

"No, I work here, but Satan? Leave the smirking to me," Sebastian said, his signature smirk appearing wide across his face.

All the different workers around the room froze. None thought that innocent Barry Allen could smirk... Let alone like that. Joe was looking on carefully, he did not like where this was going.

"What you got behind your back then?" Santana said, signalling with her head to the arms that were still behind his back.

"Oh don't worry your pretty little face, I don't have a slushy," Sebastian said, bringing his hands forwards, showing that they are empty. "You going to tell us why you surprised us with a visit, then a shout-at for the Captain?" Sebastian asked, tipping his head sidewards again.

"They were not sending the correct protection," she stated.

"Don't worry, if anything happens, I will make sure all of it is sent down to hell for you, Satan," Sebastian shrugged casually.

"How thoughtful of you, Twink," Santana snapped.

"I try," Sebastian smirked.

"Now, why is the gay Warbler Meerkat working in the police force? Much more towards the criminal side, I would have thought?" Santana questioned.

"I work here because I have intelligence, something you obviously lack," Sebastian drawled, a softer smirk spreading over his face.

When Joe saw the expression that covered Barry's face, he thought straight to Snart, because that was remarkably similar to what he smirks like.

"Are you their mascot as well?" Santana asked.

"No, no, Sha-Queer-A. I'm CSI," Sebastian stated. "But don't get your knickers in a twist though, we make sure to treat it all the same, even from and for all the different people," Sebastian said, just so that he could annoy her.

It worked.

She stomped over to him, aiming to punch him. Thanks to having super speed, Barry, who Sebastian had left alone now, was able to see it coming, so just tipped his head. This happened time and time again until some officers came forwards and hauled her away.

"You're under arrest for attack and attack of a member of a police force," one of the officers said before they hauled her away.

Sebastian just stood there smirking until he shook his head and Barry was back. In a flash, he was making his way up to his lab, taking the stairs three at a time in giant leaps.

"What the hell just happened?" Joe said in complete shock.

"I don't know..." The Captain said, his eyes never leaving where Barry was standing.

"Chaos..." Iris said from behind the two. The rest of the force nodded their heads at her statement, unable to take of what had just happened.

The Captain and Joe nearly jumped straight into the air out of their skins. Their heads flicked straight to her, not realising that she was there previously.


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