Stand even if you can't

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They all remembered that day. The day Eddie's spine was snapped. He was left paralysed from the waist down. Barry blamed himself, he should have been faster, he should have been able to prevent it from happening. Everyone else knew it was not, Eddie was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Today was Eddie's birthday party, they were all going and, thanks to when he was in the hospital, he has a thing for Glee groups. They all knew, except Eddie, that they had invited the 2013 Warblers. They were touched by what had happened to him and said that they would perform a song live for him.

To Barry, this felt huge. He could make it up to Eddie, to come out as the Captain, to come out as Sebastian Smythe. But that also meant that he would have to come out to his friends and family. Though even if he decides against it, there was a chance that the Warblers themselves would out him anyway, then they would all feel lied too and kept in the dark. It was decided, he would come out.


Barry had kept all the correct clothing with him all night, just waiting to put his jacket on.

"Ok Eddie, we have one last surprise for you. We made a few phone calls and we got a group of people in for you. I present to you, the Dalton Academy Warblers!" Iris said to Eddie, just as the group walked through the door.

His eyes glanced over the lot before he whispered to himself, "one is missing..."

Walking forwards, his jacket in place, Barry came into view, "that is where I come in."

Everyone's head flicked to him. Team Flash and co looked at him in confusion, while Eddie and the Warblers all looked at him in amazement.

"BASSY!!" The Warblers screamed.


"BARRY?!" The rest screamed.

Open his arms wide, he allowed his classic smirk to grace his face. "Oh, that is me!" he exclaimed.

"Wait, you are Barry Allen as well as Sebastian Smythe?" Eddie asked.

"Oh, I am the one and only Sebastian Smythe and the one and only Barry Allen. I am the two worlds that face you." Barry smirked.

"Well then, I guess we are all here!" The Warblers shouted out in joy.

"I think we need to make a stand of how we roll as Warblers, don't you?" Barry said, smirking wildly at the Warblers.

"Oh, absolutely positive!" They all replied in sync.

Everyone got into place, Barry falling into Sebastian and for once, not feeling bad about it.

Come on, stand, up again
Stand, you're gonna run again

Don't give up
You're gonna see tomorrow
That you'll be on your feet again
Sometimes the world's gonna knock you over
But you will see who are your friends 


Come on, stand, up again
Come on, stand
Stand, you're gonna run again

You have the power to face your demons
No matter how they go at times
And rid yourself of your fear and weakness
So you can start to live your life

Come on, stand, 

(Come on baby!) 

up again 

(Stand yeah!)

Come on, stand

(You can make it!)

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