But its cold outside!

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Team Flash was just lazing about. Barry had gone out for patrol - he would call in if he needs any help - so they did not really have anything to do.

This was disrupted by Mike coming into the Cortex, dragging a fuming Snart behind him. Snart's hands were tied together, meaning that he really could have no way out. He was also tied in a strong silk-like rope everywhere else.

Moments later, Kara came into the Cortex, dragging Barry, in his Flash suit behind her. He was also tied up like Snart, as well as having a power dampening cuff on his hands.

"Cisco, we are all going to a karaoke bar when Barry has changed. Mike and I have an idea that we want this pair to do, don't worry it is nothing bad. That is why I am here currently." Kara said, before shoving Barry into a room with a set of spear clothes for him to get changed into, putting a power-dampening bracelet on his wrist and un-tying him.

When Barry was back through changed, they all went through the breach that Cisco opened, before walking to the bar.


Soon it was Barry and Snart's turn to sing. Kara and Mike had chosen what they were doing, so when the music started it surprised them, but they went along with it.

I really can't stay 

(But, baby, it's cold outside)

I've got to go away 

(But, baby, it's cold outside)

This evening has been 

(Been hoping that you'd drop in)

So very nice 

(I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice)

Both felt like melting into the floor as they started to sing. This was some sort of twisted humour, it had to be, right?

My mother will start to worry 

(Beautiful, what's your hurry?)

My father will be pacing the floor 

(Listen to the fireplace roar)

So really, I'd better scurry 

(Beautiful, please don't hurry)

But maybe just a half a drink more 

(Put some records on while I pour)

It was ironic, they really would be if this was to happen. Joe would be pacing, ready to shoot Snart the next moment he got.

The neighbours might faint 

(Baby, it's bad out there)

Say, what's in this drink? 

(No cabs to be had out there)

I wish I knew how 

(Your eyes are like starlight now)

To break the spell 

(I'll take your hat, your hair looks well)

They both found themselves smiling, enjoying the singing. They could see that everyone in the bar was listening in to what they are singing.

I ought to say no, no, no, sir 

(Mind if I move in closer?)

At least I'm gonna say that I tried

(What's the sense in hurting my pride?)

I really can't stay 

(Baby, don't hold out)

Both pairs of eyes fluttered closed simultaneously, as they readied for the next part of the song.


(Oh, but)

They both opened their eyes, flicking towards each other.

It's cold outside

Both were surprised when their voice easy mingled and harmonised together.

I simply must go 

(But, baby, it's cold outside)

The answer is no 

(But, baby, it's cold outside)

This welcome has been 

(How lucky that you dropped in)

So nice and warm 

(Look out the window at that storm)

Barry was surprised, Snart really could sing.

My sister will be suspicious 

(Gosh, your lips look delicious)

My brother will be there at the door 

(Waves upon a tropical shore)

My maiden aunt's mind is vicious 

(Ooh, your lips are delicious)

But maybe just a cigarette more 

(Never such a blizzard before)

Barry looked over to the group, seeing that they were captivated by their singing.

I've gotta get home 

(But, baby, you'd freeze out there)

Say, lend me your coat 

(It's up to your knees out there)

You've really been grand 

(I thrill when you touch my hand)

But don't you see 

(How can you do this thing to me?)

Snart was surprised, Barry really could sing.

There's bound to be talk tomorrow

(Think about a lifelong sorrow)

At least there will be plenty implied 

(If you caught pneumonia and died)

I really can't stay 

(Get over that hold out)

Snart, glancing over the crowd, seeing that they were all silently watching in amazement at their singing.

Ooh, baby 

(Oh, but)

Both faced each other on the last bit of their song, smiling at the finish of the song.

It's cold outside!

Both, in the end, were panting and breathless. Both from the singing and the fact that each of them can sing and that their voices fit together like a hand to a glove.

For a moment, it was complete silence. No one even breathed. Then all of a sudden, all burst into thunderous clapping, whistling at the pairs tremendous singing. They both walked through the crowd, people clapping them on the back congratulating them. Both tried to hide the moment they sat down, the arms covering their heads as they rested it on the table with a loud thump.

The group chuckled at the pair, who glared at each of them in return.

"Never..." Barry started.

"...Ever..." Snart continued.



"...Again!" They both exclaimed simultaneously, glaring at each one of them even more.

The laughs only continued at their over dramatics.


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