A day in a night of singing and dancing

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"Hey, Barry?" Cisco asked, dragging out the 'Barry'.

Having been put in a bad mood that morning by not getting any coffee and his eggs being burnt but having to eat them anyway. Barry looked at Cisco, his eyes narrowed in warning, "what have you done and what do you want?"

"Barry, what movies do you like? I'm bored so I want to watch something." Cisco questioned dragging the name again.

"You are asking me why? Surely you know what you like?" Barry said, well snapped slightly.

"Yeah... But what do you like? You never seemed to watch anything! Never truly like what we put on!" Cisco said, shooting upright in his chair.

"You want to know what I like because you have never seen anything I seem to like? That would only be because you all have terrible taste." Barry said, his face showing his annoyance.

"But Barry, what is your taste then?" Cisco whined.

"Musicals," Barry stated simply, raising a daring eyebrow.

"MUSICALS?!!" Cisco shouted.

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" Barry said, rising to his feet, knowing that if Cisco does not stop soon, Sebastian will be coming out to play.

"Just never thought you to be a musical type of person." Cisco shrugged, backing down slightly when Barry rose to his feet.

"Thought me to like action? To like hero movies?" Barry asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Well... Yeah?" Cisco said, failing for words slightly.

"No. If it was to be a movie like that? It would a villain movie. Villains are so much cooler." Barry smirked, enjoying the look that crossed over Cisco highly confused face.

"But, you are a hero?" Cisco asked, confused.

"Yeah, I am a hero now, but heroes may win the fight, but villains win the fight," Barry stated, shrugging his shoulders as his smirk widened.

"Ok, that is a proven point. Guess we will have to ask H.R." Cisco said.

"Ask H.R what?" H.R asked, walking into the room. "Oh, there is an army person approaching and there is a robbery down the road." H.R then added.

"On it." Barry nodded, before he zoomed off, suited up, to stop the robbery. Barry was back quite quickly and had returned the suit before he made himself a drink in the temporary kitchen they have. Barry was never at the beginning of a meeting like this, joining randomly through it.

"Hello? I am looking for one 'Cisco'? Helps the Flash?" The military person asked when he walked into the cortex.

"I would be Cisco and this is H.R. He helps a bit with the team as well," Cisco said greeting the man and pointing out H.R.

"I am Major Hunter Clarington." The military person said.

A few minutes later Barry walked in and stopped in his tracks by seeing Hunter in the room.

"Oh, Major Clarington, this is..." Cisco started, introducing Barry.

"Captain Sexy," Hunter said, bowing to Barry, straight-faced.

"Major Hotness," Barry said, bowing back, equally as straight-faced.

Cisco and H.R, Catlin as well as she had walked in after Barry, all had major 'WTF!' expressions covering their faces at this little interaction.

The two stared at each other before they both simultaneously burst out laughing, hugging each other.

"Man Bassy, where did you go?!" Hunter said as the two calmed down.

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