Sandi Hawkins Dance

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"I heard about this amazing dance. I was thinking, why should it be the boys that ask the girls for Valentines, why can't it be the girls asking the boys. Looking it up, I found out about the 'Sandi Hawkins' dance, so this is what we are going to be doing this year. The boys will have to wait back, it is all about the power of the girls," Iris said, practically running into the cortex, startling everyone from their seats.

"I think this would be a good idea. Let us take the power for once!" Catlin stated, agreeing with Iris.

"Yeah, it is settled then, the girls will be asking the boys who they want for the dance," Cisco said, bringing it to an agreement.

'And if you are gay?' Barry thought to himself, smiling on the exterior, but frowning inside.


Walking into the Cortex, Barry was met by a nervous looking Iris.

"Barry... Would you like to go to the dance with me...?" She said, having to swallow her words slightly so that she would not stutter.

Scratching the back of his neck, feeling really awkward, Barry replied with a simple, "no."

"Oh, why?" She asked, signing slightly.

"I... Er..." Barry stammered, not really comfortable with saying that he is gay to her.

"It's fine... I am obviously not correct for you..." She sighed, making Barry fell worse. She walked away, dragging her feet as she left.

"That could have gone way better," Barry stated, hitting his head on the wall.

"You're telling us," Cisco said, making him jump. Everyone was standing there, feeling just as uncomfortable and awkward as Barry was feeling.

"She was really looking forward to asking you," Joe said, looking at Barry with pity covering his eyes.



Walking into the Flash suit space, Cisco saw Barry hiding behind the suit stand.

"Cisco! Why you here?" Barry said.

"Here to modify suit, why are you here?" Cisco asked.

"Hiding from everyone. They keep asking me and asking me!" Barry exclaimed.

"Problem why?" Cisco asked.

"Can you keep a secret from everyone?"


"I'm gay... All the girls keep asking me. I keep saying no, they ask why and get upset when I don't give an answer!" Barry said, hitting his head on the stand.

"I can see why that can be a problem. Why do you keep it a secret?" Cisco questioned.

"Because it will... it will prove a link... a link to a life I never want them to find out about..." Barry sighed.

"Why that?" Cisco asked

"I was not like what I am now... far from it..." Barry replied.

"You went by a different name, picking up a different personality and behaviour to blend in?"

"Yeah, the thing is. I liked being him... Even if he had a 'reputation' associated with his name." Barry said, walking out of the suit storage room.

"Could you show a 'page' on him, look up his name on the information pages?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah... Does it cover people in France?" Barry suddenly asked.

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