Prison, extract

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"You have been in here a year now, you realised that?" Snart asked as they both looked upwards on their respected parts of the bunk bed.

"Yeah, you have been here a year and not broke out," Sebastian said, looking down at him over the bed, "why's that?"

"Won't be any fun. The Flash won't be out there, so no-one to play around with. Also, all the action is in here anyway," Snart shrugged, looking up as Sebastian.

They continued to lay there in silence, the ground was out of bounds and they had all been told not to leave their cells.

"Hey, is Barry truly gone?" Snart asked, breaking the silence.

"Sometimes I think he is, then something happens, reminding me that he is there. He's not gone, he has just hidden away at the corner of my mind, like I was done with him," Sebastian sighed after a moment.

"You never did say how you were arrested?" Snart questioned.

"I was walking into the CCPD, late as ever, when they just came down on me. Everyone was watching as they quickly put me in cuffs in almost a blur. I remember their faces, surprised. No-one stepped forwards. They all watched, including Joe..." Barry said. Sebastian going away.

"That must have hurt?" Snart asked as Barry got down of his bed.

"Yeah, I watched as my adoptive father and the girl I once loved stand; watching as I was arrested. Even as I was marched out and put in a padded cell in the back of an Ohio police van, they just stood and watched. Later at the court, they stood up saying how I was a good man, but that was it. Oliver stood up, saying how I have helped him out with his city, Cisco and Caitlin said how I was such a valid member of the community and they were blessed to work so closely alongside me. My friends stood up for me more than my family. I hurt so much. Later when I was sentenced to forty years in prison, none of my friends had a dry face... My family... They were dry... It was almost like they wanted this to happen... It broke me, that was what allowed Sebastian to come back through the cage I made around him and myself... Though as you can see, they are just angry, all of them. They stopped visiting, stopped wanting to see me... It just seems that everyone wants to leave me..." Barry sighed, tears rolling down his face in silent rivers.

Snart saw the tears as they splashed against the stone floor, he felt himself soften at the broken man in front of him. He got off his bed before grabbing Barry into a hug.

"It's ok, Scarlet. I'm not going anywhere," Snart said, rubbing soothing circles into the man's back as he cried into his shoulder.

This is an extract of it because currently it is reaching past six thousand and I am thinking about putting it into a new book, as a one page one most likely, but I don't know. Currently, I believe it is starting to go above what I set as a max for this one-shot book. Though this could change depending on the feedback present here.

The final one is out, it is in a different book, as it does go above what I have set as the limit for this book. So it is in a book called 'For a Life in Prison'.

Word count: 482

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