A Shifter's Problem

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Everyone had their first shift at the age of seventeen. Thus meaning that they all had it during high school. Barry seemed to be the only exception to this, he does not have a recorded shift, the recording of the shift is automatic on the first shift, like magic, so there was no chance of the shift being missed.


Barry was sitting on the floor, happy to just have the cortex to himself for the first time in a long time. He was humming some songs to himself, drifting between the realms of his mind and the real world.

"Barry?" Iris asked him suddenly, shaking him from his thought.

Instinctually, Barry started to shift, you see, he has shifted before just, he was under a different name, the name of Sebastian Smythe. He knew the moment it happened he would not be able to stop it, his shift had felt penned in for too long. He felt wings rip from his back, long, sharp and shaped like a falcon. His body started to widen, shrinking in size before it quickly formed into a black with red pinstripes, wolf, his fur silky to the touch. When he finally opened his eyes from the shift, his glowing green eyes flicked between everyone. As Iris had screamed out the moment the shift had started.

They all just stared.

Barry stared at them daring them to talk. When the did not, he sighed, a weird noise coming from a falcon wolf, before walking over to them all, brushing against them. He knew that his shift had wanted to do that for a while, to claim them of sorts.

His sharp vision honed in on the bag of food that had been placed on the table. In one big leap, he jumped in the air, flinging his wings open, grabbing the bag in his mouth, before flying over to one of the clear desks.

Watching them all, Barry happily munched away on the food. He was also keeping an ear out to what they may say to each other.

"I don't think I have seen a shift like that!" Iris said.

"Yeah, a hybrid shift is very rare then to have one of that combination is next to impossible. I very well think he could be the only person with this shift." Caitlin said, looking up at Barry.

Barry stretched his jaw at her, showing off all his razor-sharp teeth, his tail swinging lazily.

'Oh, trust me, I won't come up as the only person.' Barry thought smugly to himself.

"He looks like he has shifted before." Cisco pointed out.

Joe quickly added, "yeah, I think that he has shifted before, but hid it. Though it does not explain how it did not come upon record."

"He shifted under a different legal name would be the only explanation," Cisco said, before, after a few simple hacks, he started searching for others with the same shift. "There is only one other person with that shift, or anything close to it. His name is Sebastian Smythe. I think I can pull up an image of him. Ah, here we go..."

Cisco's words dragged out as he saw who the image was off. They all looked up at shifted Barry, seeing if he could clear up the confusion.

Seeing no other choice, even if he wanted to continue to eat the food he had, Barry jumped from the beam, shifting so he landed once again in his human form.

"Yeah, that's me. I am Sebastian Smythe. A name I went by in high school when the bullying was so bad I was shipped off elsewhere. The name Allen was too well known, so I adopted a different name completely. So there was no tracing me back. I was adopted into the Smythe family. Meaning, technically, I am the richest person in Central City, being a multi-billionaire. I just... Was different then, I wanted to run away from being anything to do with Sebastian Smythe. Why I never told any of you about this other life I held." Barry said, sighing before he walked out of the cortex, shifting. He felt no need to hide it anymore.

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