Some dance lessons

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"Come on Scarlet, you are not going to win this one," Snart said, laughing slightly as the whole of Team Flash were trying to get him to come with him to these 'dance lessons'. They say that it may help with his coordination and he may just enjoy it. They say that this one is about the amazing dances of the Warblers. Barry was so not going to be going.

"Oh don't think that you are getting out of it for one moment at all!" Catlin called over him. 

Causing Captain Cold to mumble some very dark and very cold words about them. He was contemplating testing how fast team Flash can get out of the way of the ray of the cold gun.


Eventually, the team managed to drag them to the dance 'studio', though Barry thought that it was more of a colour and fun time place, far too bright and colourful for his taste.

They were greeted by a very cheerful man, whose voice reached pitches that Kurt's voice could not. Barry did have to give him that. "Today, after a small warm up, we will be getting you into some outfits, before we work on some of the dances. I think that we will start with 'Glad You Came', just so that we can see where you all lay, is that ok?" The cheerful voiced man said after he introduced himself to be Josh.

'Oh how this is going to be fun!' Barry grumbled in his head.


Soon they were all warmed up and most where dressed in the outfits. There was only Snart and Barry left. The two cheerful people, a second had appeared the moment the person introduced the group to something, he was not sure what it is.

Currently, Barry had people measuring him for the outfit size, they kept remeasuring him, like they keep getting different answers. Then, just to add to Barry's confusion, they walked out of the room, before walking back in, holding a different set of outfit. When Barry looked closer, it seemed to be a spot on replica of his Dalton Academy - the one slightly modified for being a part of the Warblers - outfit when was the Captain of the group. The quickly hurried him into the changing room, before hurrying him up, squealing slightly when he came out and the outfit fitted. Snart was done quite quick after, nothing interesting happening really.

When Cisco finally caught sight of the pair as they walked out of the room, he called out to them, as they walked slowly over to them, "what took you so long? That was like twenty times slower then what it was for each of us."

Barry just shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets, really an automatic reaction when he wore something like this. Meaning when he wore his Dalton uniform.

"How come he gets pockets and none of us does? Then also the fact that there was nothing female at all!" Iris questioned. She was a little annoyed at the all-male uniform they presented.

"The Warblers were an all-boys group well when I last checked they were it may be different now. Also, I don't know why I have pockets and you all don't." Barry replied, shrugging his shoulders again. "Actually I think they did have one eventually, but that was way after the best days of the Warblers - went downhill before that point, stayed downhill at that point and for a while afterwards."

"Alright... How do you even know all this?" Cisco asked.

"The Warblers were very well known where I went high school. They were always talked about. Not knowing about the Warblers was deemed worse than pissing yourself in front of everyone... In fact, that was proven at one point," Barry stated, pushing the question off like it was no big deal. 'Well, I was not lying,' 

"He has pockets because he so happens to be the exact measurements as one of their Captains, the most famous one at that. Captain Sebastian Smythe. This is also why he will be taking lead place in all these dances. Leonard will be taking the place of the second Captain. Hunter. He just has the most similar build, the rest of you shall just be joining in as the rest of the group. Now, did we mention, there will be singing involved, but that will only be if we see fit in how you all dance and whether you will be able to sing and dance to it. Now, let's get on to 'Glad You Came'!" Josh said, walking into the room.

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