The funeral of a brother

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Barry still could not believe that he was gone. It seemed only yesterday that Bassy was playing with his brother. The french cafe and everything else replayed before his eyes.

The creation of Bassy, the sass and the attitude. The protection and repetition that had saved his rear-side were all there because of this man.

The man who would not have the stars and the sun on his mortal eyes again.

It was quick. One minute he was asleep. The next. My immortal was played out to the stars that listened.


Sebastian looked down at Cooper's will. This was so like him.

'I want it to be like I am getting married. My coffin carried down to joyful singing.'

Just to prove the point. The last sentence in the will was addressed to him.

'Barry, Bassy - my brother in everything but blood - remember the good times, but please don't forget the bad times, when you carried me home instead of Blaine - because I was not heavy and I was your brother - live long and proud.'

It was almost so subtle that he would have missed it if he was anyone else. He had asked for his song and who was to carry him through to the end.

He wanted Bassy, Blaine, Santana and Kurt to carry him. He also wanted He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother to be playing as he is carried through.

But the wording of it suggested that Sebastian was the one to lead it, not anyone else.


Together, they lifted the coffin, starting to make their way towards the church's doors. Walking behind them, there was a small moving band.

The road is long...
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows... where..?
Who knows where..?
But I'm strong...
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

Sebastian dragged out the lyrics, so did the others when they joined in.

So on we go...
His welfare is my concern...
No burden is he to bear...
We'll get there...
For I know...
He would not encumber me...
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

It felt like he failed with the welfare of Cooper. Instead, he's carrying his coffin to the grave.

If I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart...
Isn't filled with the gladness
Of love for one another...

Blaine sang from the left Barry, holding the other side of the front.

It's a long, long road
From which there is no return...
While we're on the way to there...
Why not share..?
And the load...
Doesn't weigh me down at all...
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

This was something there to show that together they are stronger. Both groups together to share the load.

He's my brother...
He ain't heavy, he's my brother...

As he was slowly lowered down to the grave, they dragged out, their vocals leaving them as they realised that this really was the end of that book for Cooper and the start of a new chapter for the others.

Barry made his appearance at the end when almost everyone had left. His shirt was soaked. But it was not raining, it was sunny, almost too sunny for what just happened.

Maybe that was Cooper's way of saying goodbye. To reassure him.

Snart and the others were right. The sun did shine on him again.


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