Why does life do this?

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Barry was just finishing up his chemical analysis when his phone started to ring, it was a number that he had not seen in many years. 

"Hey Blaine, what's up?" Barry asked as he answered the phone.

"Coopers dead... He's dead... Gone..." Blaine said. 

Barry felt his world freeze over, the phone slipping from his hand, the box of glass knocked in the phones fall. His brother was gone, never coming back... Dead. Each breath and thought laboured him, each wobble of his knees, pain shooting through his veins. His ghost eyes did not even notice when Joe entered the room, asking him about the noise, he did not even notice when he placed a hand on his shoulder, asking if he was alright. He did not notice anything as he barged past everyone as he ran, at human speed, out of the CCPD, tears streaming uncontrolled down his cheeks. 

He rocked, clutching his head in a side alleyway, not looking where he was running. His body shook with the sobs that echoed through his own body. He did not notice as he sat in the pouring rain in the cold damp alleyway, far from any of his worried friends. He did not notice who he cried into the shoulder of as they comforted him in the dark alley.

He only noticed when he felt the rain stops falling down onto his shaking body, warm words of nothingness whispered into his ear as he was rocked too and fro. 


"Allen!" The captain shouted as he watched his best CSI run out of the building. He went to go after him when he felt a hand grab his shoulder gently.

"Don't..." Joe whispered to him, shaking his head slowly, staring the captain in the eyes.

The captain led him into his office before asking him, "what happened?" 

When Joe saw that the officers that were picking up the paperwork that had fell from their hands when they were knocked into by Barry, he answered, "he just got news of someone that he felt was his brother's death. He's heartbroken at the moment, but he will want to be alone. I don't know the man, but I did know that he was Barry's first true friend and was someone that he came very close to in high school."

"Best to give him his space then..." The captain whispered, Joe, nodding in agreement. 


When Snart led the Rogues down a dark alley, he did not expect to meet someone sobbing as they rocked themselves. He expected even less to meet Barry sobbing as he rocked. Shooing the Rogues away, he knelt down next to him. 

He rocked him slowly as he mumbled meaningless words into Barry's ear as the man cried into his shoulder. He felt the tears and ran start to seep through his parka, but he did not mind, he just kept comforting the obviously broken man in his arms. 


Barry slowly started to regain himself, his sobs leaving into small hiccups with a few stray tears still dripping down his face. In his hands, he felt a soft but rough material, while his face seemed to be brushing against a fur material. 

"You feeling any better now, Scarlet?" A deep voice asked him.

Lifting his head, he was met by the person that he was crying onto. Leonard Snart, Captain Cold, was looking at him with worry covering his face. 

"Not really... I'm not sure it ever will..." Barry croaked, his voice broken from his tears.

"Hey, it will get better," Snart reassured him, rubbing Barry's back soothingly.

Barry felt his voice catch in the back of his throat, a choked sob escaping his lips. 

"Hey, hey. The sun will shine on you once again..." Snart whispered, whipping away the stray tear that fell down Barry's cheek.

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