Taken for a swing around the park

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The Flash and Captain Cold fight a lot. This means Barry Allen and Leonard Snart fight a lot. Their fights don't normally turn out this way.


Snart stood over Barry. Barry's leg was completely frozen while Snart held the gun to his chest. "Give up Flash!" Snart said.

While Snart was mono-toning about something, Barry had been working on his leg. It was completely free, but it had massive frostbite over it. He was not going to be able to use it properly for a while.

Just as Snart was done, a cylinder shape bounced towards them, landing between the pair. The two looked at it curiously, their attention on it. Suddenly it released a mist and a deafening screech.

Lightning rushed through Barry, frying his communications and shattering the ice around him. To Snart it felt like ice was being poured through his veins. The two screamed as they felt like they were poured directly into the cylinder.

Onlookers watched as the pair fell and quickly disappeared, having not seen any of the mist, heard the screech or even seen the cylinder.


They fell, Fell right onto a porch. Snart just looked confused while Barry looked amazed. He scrambled to his feet before falling to the door, having forgotten about his leg. He muffled his scream as he dug into the front of his suit, revealing a necklace around his neck. On this necklace was a key. A key that worked perfectly in the lock of the door.

Barry walked into the multimillion pound, hobbling across to the stairs, knowing that Snart will be following close behind. He pulled his cawl of, allowing himself to breathe in more air as he almost pulled himself up the stairs and into the far room. There, he locked Snart out before walking towards the walk-in wardrobe, he got changed into something that would commonly be found on a celebrity. Sebastian Smythe to be exact.

He walked out, before tripping. He felt strong arms grab him from behind, preventing him from hitting the floor. "Whoa, you ok there Scarlet?" Snart asked as he held Barry as he righted himself.

"Yeah, leg just needs a while to heal, may need longer because of not getting any treatment, that is all," Barry shrugged before walking away.

"To heal? The gun does proper damage?" Snart questioned him, grabbing Barry by the arm.

"Yeah, I get black frostbite each time," Barry said, shaking his arm from Snart's grip.

"It gives you frostbite, can't that permanently damage you?" Snart asked, grabbing him by the arm again.

"Yeah, it can. The gun was designed to take me down. It can do serious permanent damage to me," Barry said, stopping.

"Your friends created something that could do that?" Snart asked, walking up to Barry.

"Yeah, in case I went bad..." Barry sighed, looked at the floor. "...again..." Barry then whispered so quietly that Snart almost did not hear it.

"You have a past, this house is involved, you weren't like how you are now. That's correct isn't it?" Snart asked softly.

"Yeah... I have a dark past. I was the leader of a group of Ohio Villains. People nearly died, nearly blinded. I honestly enjoyed being that character. I loved to be Sebastian Smythe. A man who was not the son of a wife killing murder. Someone who could be anyone they wanted and could do what I wanted. I had endless power. I turned dark, I was angry. I was in grief, I was scared of others, this turned me cold, turned me into someone who others feared, even just the name. You are currently in the Smythe Manor, something I am heir to getting. I am the richest person in Central City and in everywhere surrounding it," Barry said.

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