Drama time

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My name's Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive. When I was just a young boy I watched my mother be murdered by something impossible and my father locked away for her death. Years later I was struck by lightning when the particle accelerator exploded. I developed superspeed, later becoming Central City's hero. Now I work with my adoptive father and all of team Flash to lock away metahumans. I am... The Flash.

Not many know of this, but I went by a different name in high school. I was shipped away after bullying meant I was hospitalised. I soon became one of the most well-known people there. I was the captain. I was a celebrity. I was the villain. I was... Sebastian Smythe.


One thing Barry liked in secret, though it had not had the chance to come true again, Barry liked to be the villain, to let his 'Dark Side' out. Often, Barry would feel jealous of the different villains, of Snart, he got to be the villain but he also had the chances to lead, to protect and help his own. He was so jealous of the life Snart had.

Barry continued to ponder around in his chair, not really caring about what would be happening today. Nothing bad would happen really. He was so caught up in his thoughts, that he did not realise when Iris came bouncing into the room, dragging a very unhappy Leonard Snart behind her. He did, however, know when Snart shot at his feet with his cold gun.

Barry squeaked getting into the air quicker then he thought could happen without having to use his superspeed. He turned and glared at Snart, who was happily smiling at him, with Iris ranting at him that he could have hit him.

"Not funny," Barry glared.

"Yes funny," Snart replied.

Barry continued to glare at him until Iris broke the silence shouting about. "Guys! I have something great for us all to do! There is this drama group. They are doing a hero drama lesson for people. I managed to get Team Flash and Snart a slot. Now, before you protest, you all have no choice. You will be going and that is final. I have already got the others there." Iris said, before dragging the pair away.


When Barry and Snart arrived at the place, Iris running into it straight away, the two looked at the sign, before they looked at each other.


"Ok, what the hell?" Barry said to Snart.

"I don't know... After we are done, can I freeze that off? You know, rob the museum nearby, go to get you with the gun get the building instead?" Snart asked, knowing that the answer will be a no. Barry was too kind-hearted for his taste.

"Yeah, make sure that the power is up though so it does some real damage," Barry replied before he started to walk into the building.

"Wait? Really?" Snart said, generally surprised, walking after Barry.

"Yeah, I will even make it easier for you, maybe 'accidentally' deflect something towards it. Make sure it shatters into thousands of pieces." Barry shrugged, entering the main room.

"Guys, what took you so long?" Iris asked.

"The sign..." The two of them drawled.


"Ok, my name is Lucy and welcome to IcedLightning. Here we will be teaching you to perform a hero vs. villain scene. Each of these keys corresponds to different chests around the room. They hold what you will be doing. Take one and see who you are in the scene." Lucy said to all them, holding out a load of keys in her hand.

When everyone had found their chest, she called them all over, before getting each of them to read out what they got.

"Damsel in distress" Iris read out.

I am... (Barry and Sebastian Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now