Don't stop me now

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"Snart, remind me again why these are my friends?" Barry asked as the two of them where yet again being dragged into lessons.

Hopefully, it would not be reading - that scared the two of them for life - writing - why did the person make them write that stuff! - or even sewing - that is made to kill you with all the different wounds you get by the end of it.

"I don't know why you chose them except having a lightning bolt to your head," Snart replied, hiding his shudder at those memories.

"Then why are you here?!"

"Don't ask me! They are your friends!" Snart exclaimed.

"We can still hear you guys you know?" Cisco stated.

"That's the point!" Barry exclaimed before Snart added to it.

"I still have rope burns from the last three times you tied the two of us up to get us to these lessons!" Snart growled to them.

"You would not if you did not fight against them," Joe stated.

"Um, do I even get a choice before I am tied up?" Snart asked - well more growled questionably.

Catlin simply stated, "no."

"What about me? Do I really have to be tied up as well?" Barry asked.

"Yes," was the only thing that Iris said.


"Welcome to your singing lessons!"

'Great...' Barry thought to himself. He idly rubbed at the healing burn marks on his wrists, noticing out of the corner of his eye Snart doing the same.

"We will only do one song, but first we would like to test you all separately to see who will get the main part of the song. The song that we will be doing is 'Don't Stop Me Now'!"

Relutelently, Snart was the first one in too be tested. It was only a short five minutes then he was back out again. Slowly this continued to it was finally Barry's turn.


"Ok, we want you to explain any singing practise that you have had." The instructor asked.

"Well, I sang all the time with my mother when I was young. Wait, can you keep what I say a secret?" Barry asked them, not wanting to delve into his high school years if they were just going to blabber on about it.

"It can be strictly confidential if you want it to be." The instructor stated.

"Yes, it will be confidential. I was the Captain of the Warblers during 2013. If you don't know who they are, they are a well-known glee group."

"Wow... Ok... Well, let's just continue with the tests. Please, can you sing this please?"

With a single nod, Barry started to sing the lyrics of the sheet, syncing into Sebastian the moment that the music started.

"Tonight... I'm gonna have myself... a real good... time
I feel ali-i-ive..!
And the world.., I'll turn... it inside... out.., yeah...
I'm floating around... in ecstasy..., so..." Bassy sang until the music stopped.

"Well. I think we are done here. You can go out and meet with your friends again."


"Barry is our main singer. The rest will fill in as back up." The instructor stated, before playing the music.

Barry had moments before he started to sing.

Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time
I feel ali-i-ive..!
And the world, I'll turn it inside out, yeah...
I'm floating around in ecstasy, so... (Don't stop me now)
(Don't stop me)
'Cause I'm havin' a good time, havin' a good time

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