Chapter Two

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I wake up to a large bang, startled by the noise and my unfamiliar surroundings.

I'm met with a boy so attractive that I wonder if I'm still dreaming. He's tanned with brown hair that's a little longer than mine, which most of it is hidden by a black beanie. He's wearing dark black sunglasses which make the rest of his face pop, his full pink lips, his shimmery silver nose ring. He's sporting a tank that shows his slim but masculine arms and tight black skinny jeans that accentuate his legs.

Unfortunately, he seems to be recovering from a fall that I now realise had been caused by my suitcase which I stupidly left in the walkway.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I apologise sincerely, pulling my suitcase off the floor and onto my bed to prevent any further accidents.

"Why would you leave that there?" he snaps, looking past me at the wall.

"I'm sorry, it was stupid, I didn't think." I sigh, then fall quiet as I realise the damage has been done and there's not really much my words can fix.

I find myself staring at the boy in front of me, initially searching for the right words, but I soon give up on that and am left more or less gawking at his shear hotness.

"You can stop staring now. I'm blind. I know." He mutters seeming frustrated.

I'm about to say something about how he's not blind and it was my fault for leaving the suitcase right in front of the door but then I realise what he meant. He's blind. Like actually blind. 

"Oh, oh, I wasn't staring because..." I trail off and stop myself because I'm only digging myself a deeper hole.

Great, within the first thirty seconds of us meeting, I've managed to not only severely embarrass myself but also my roommate. 

I want to apologise again but I can hear myself getting annoying so I just move on.

"I'm Kellin." I introduce awkwardly. "Um, I guess we're roommates."

I'm blushing so furiously that for a split second I'm thankful he's blind but then I wonder if that's an offensive thought.

"Vic." he mutters, then he heads over to his bed. "If we're going to be roommates, you need to keep the floor clear."

I nod and swallow hard but then realise he can't see me.

"Yes, of course. Not a problem." I spit out.

My eyes fall to Vic's nightstand and I realize that the metal stick is actually a support cane. My eyes go back to Vic who is adjusting his beanie. There's a thick, tense silence between us and I wish I could say something to diffuse it but I can't think of anything.

I then suddenly remember that I have somewhere to be. I search around for my phone and check the time, discovering that I'm already five minutes late for my session.

"Fuck," I mutter, brushing down my messed up hair with my fingers.

I find my keycard and shove it in my pocket along with my phone.

"I need to go." I state generally, or maybe it's directed towards Vic. I don't know. I don't know if he cares.

I don't wait for any type of response before I leave.

It takes me less than ten minutes to get to my therapist's office. She gives me a look as she lets me in, as if to say I did this purposely.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting." I apologise as I take a seat in my regular chair.

"What has made you late?" Dr. Levit asks as she sits across from me.

"I fell asleep and then had an incident with my roommate." I sigh stressed.

Rainbow - Kellic // boyxboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon