Chapter Twelve

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"You don't have to do that, Kells." Vic sighs.

"I've got it. Don't worry." I say back as I place Vic's things in his suitcase.

We haven't even left the dorm yet and we're both already frustrated.

"I'm just stressed." Vic says quietly.

"Why?" I frown, abandoning his suitcase momentarily to give him my full attention.

He sits on the bed beside his luggage and runs his fingers through his hair.

"I want this trip to be fun for you. I don't want to burden you with all my needs. As much as I hate to admit it..." he trails off then swallows hard. "I do need help with some things."

I give him a sympathetic smile that I forget he can't see. Then I gently squeeze his shoulder.

"Vic, it's okay. I'm completely happy to assist. I promise you won't be a burden. Besides, I kinda like holding your hand." I assure him.

He smiles at the last bit and nods.

"Okay. You're really sweet. Thank you." he sighs.

"You're welcome. Let's go have a fun weekend, yeah?" I suggest, enthusiastically.

"Hell yeah." he beams, clasping his hands together.

Vic and I finish getting ready for our trip, then we make our way out of the dorm building with our luggage. I help Vic down the stairs with his suitcase and he seems a little bothered by it until I take his hand, relaxing him almost immediately.

We find Sam with her car outside of campus, ready to take us to the airport.

She's grinning stupidly at me. I feel like she's probably more excited for this trip than I am, and she's not even coming.

I help Vic load his suitcase into the trunk and throw mine in on top of his, then I attempt to help him into the car but he seems to know what he's doing. I slide in the backseat next to him, just in case he needs me.

"You boys excited?" Sam beams.

"So excited." Vic grins which makes me smile. I'm glad he's excited. I'm so glad we're taking this trip.

We soon arrive at the airport after a short drive with a very talkative Sam, a very respondent Vic and a very quiet me.

"Do you need me to walk you in?" Sam asks, mothering me like usual.

"I'm sure we've got it, Sammie." I assure her.

"Okay, just remember that if there's any problems or you need someone, I'm just a phonecall away." she explains.

"Thanks Sammie." I smile before I lean forward and kiss her cheek.

I get out of the car and help Vic out, then we go around to the trunk where I get out our luggage.

I notice a saddened sigh leave Vic's lips as I hand him his walking cane. He pulls it open, extending it so it's ready for use. I can tell he doesn't want to use it, but feels the need.

I pass Vic his suitcase which I then learn doubles as a backpack as he finds the straps and heaves it onto his back. I take his free hand as the other holds his cane, and then grab my own suitcase.

"Text me when you land, and stay safe. I love you, Kells." Sam says, practically leaning out the car window.

"I love you too, Sam. See you Monday."

After that, she drives off, leaving Vic and I alone. I look to the airport entrance which immediately seems daunting. There's a lot of people.

"How long until boarding?" Vic asks as I begin leading him towards the entrance.

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