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- A Few Months Later -

He's the first thing I see when I wake up. He almost always is. His messy hair, his full lips, his warm skin. He's still in the position he was in when he fell asleep. He doesn't seem to move a lot like I do. His muscular arm is draped across my waist and he's facing towards me. We fell asleep spooning but I must have shifted over because now his face is only a few inches from mine. His breath tickles my lips which reminds me of kissing him, so I lean in and leave a gentle peck on his mouth, hoping I don't disturb his slumber in the process. I remember back to when I stole his first kiss. I steal many kisses from him these days without hesitation, and he still doesn't mind one bit.

My phone rings again, reminding me of why I'd suddenly woken up. I quickly scramble out of bed to my feet and then across the room where I answer the phone without even looking at who's calling. Relief washes over me as the noise stops and my boyfriend remains asleep.

I sit on what used to be my bed—but is honestly more vacant than not these days—as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, you up?" 

It's Sammy. I wasn't expecting anyone else.

"I am now." I chuckle quietly.

I watch Vic stir from across the room. His face cutely scrunches up for a second then returns to it's peaceful state.

"Well, Jordan and I are going to pick up some coffee, go see Brandon and Conner then we'll be over, okay?" she chirps.

"Sounds good." I smile. "I'll see you soon."

I hang up the phone then go slide back into bed, hoping to get a few extra minutes of peace before we inevitably have to start the day, but Vic finally wakes up.

"Kell," he yawns, sounding worried. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good." I assure him softly.

"Are you sure? You're not going anywhere, are you?" he frowns, finally blinking his eyes open, his beautiful eyes.

"No, I just answered the phone. Not going anywhere." I chirp, sliding my arms around his bare waist. His naked thigh slides between mine and he holds me tightly, almost as if he's worried I'm going to run off.

It's not very often these days that I freak out after we have sex, in fact, it's rare and hasn't happened for a while, but Vic still likes to check in every time, and I'm grateful for it. And even on the occasion I do panic, Vic seems to be able to talk me down from it so long as he's awake before I am.

"Okay, good." he mumbles. "What time is it?"

"Almost ten." I tell him.

"We have to go soon. We should start getting ready." he says sitting up and stretching.

"Why don't we just stay in bed today?" I mumble, running my hand down his sexy bare chest.

He smiles softly at me.

"I know you're nervous, but you'll be fine. We're just going to enjoy ourselves, okay?" he explains.

"I know." I sigh, dropping my hand and looking up at the ceiling. Even with his reassurances the anxiety in my chest still feels heavy.

He climbs over me, sliding out of bed and I stare at his beautiful naked body as he feels through his drawers for clothes.

"Hey perve," Vic snorts, obviously sensing me staring at him, or maybe he just knows me too well. "Get dressed or I'm going to let your sister in despite your nudity."

"That would be traumatising for everyone involved." I chuckle, finally pushing the covers off and getting out of bed.

I go over to my drawers and frown as I search for something to wear.

Rainbow - Kellic // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now