Chapter Fifteen

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After stuffing my face at a nice Chinese restaurant, I'm so full, bloated and ready to pass out for the night.

"Oh my god, why didn't you tell me not to get dessert?" I whine to Vic as I insert the card into the hotel room door.

"You wanted those banana fritters, baby. Even I knew there was no stopping you." Vic chuckles, following me into our hotel room.

Despite the countless pet names Vic has thrown my way tonight, he still catches me off guard with 'baby'.

I fall onto the small sofa, exhausted from our big day. Then I look around the room and instinctively smack myself in the forehead.

"I forgot to ask them to change our room." I whine.

"Shit, I forgot all about it." Vic frowns.

"I don't want to go back down there." I whine.

"I'd go but..." Vic trails off, obviously referring to his blindness.

I can tell he feels a little guilty so I quickly quit my whining and come up with a solution.

"It's fine. I'll just sleep on the sofa." I decide.

"Oh, no, don't do that. Have the bed." Vic tells me.

"I'm fine with the sofa. Besides, I slept on the bed earlier." I argue.

"But you're paying for this. You should really have the bed." Vic frowns.

I lift myself from the sofa and gently kiss Vic's cheek to reassure him.

"The sofa is really comfortable. You take the bed. It's okay." I murmur.

"Okay." he sighs, backing down.

His fingertips find my scar and they just rest there. I don't know if he purposely touches my scar or if he's just trying to touch my cheek, but either way I don't mind. There's something about him that makes me feel comfortable in my vulnerability.

"Are you going to bed now?" he asks softly.

"Was planning on it. Unless you don't want me to." I answer a little sheepishly.

"No, you should get some rest. I think I'm going to take a shower." he smiles. "Can I get a kiss goodnight?"

I can't help but to swoon at the request.

"Of course." I grin.

I take his face between my palms and gently plant my lips on his. He sighs contently into the sweet kiss and smiles seeming satisfied as he pulls away.

"Goodnight, Kells." he whispers.

"Night, Vic." I whisper back.

He moves past me to go over to his suitcase and I look through a few cabinets until I find some spare bedding. I take a pillow and a duvet then make myself a bed on the sofa.

I watch Vic remove his shoes then place them beside the bed, something he does every night. He then begins removing his shirt and as much as I would love to watch, the sudden partial nudity startles me so I reach over and flick the light off.

The room is sheltered with darkness but my eyes soon adjust and I realise that if I focus enough, I can still see Vic undressing. I quickly look away and focus on stripping to my boxers then getting under the duvet and laying down. I face away from Vic but listen to him folding his clothes and placing them into his suitcase. Folding his clothes is another thing he does routinely.

Sometimes I'm amazed at how systematic he is, but I guess it makes things a lot easier for him. He's pretty independent though.

The only thing from his day-to-day life that he doesn't do by himself is wash his clothes. His brother picks up his laundry once a week to wash it and then drops it off. Vic says he can do his washing at home but the machines at the campus are just too complex. I would offer to just do his washing when I do mine but I feel like it might be a bit invasive.

I listen as Vic makes his way to the bathroom. The door clicks shut and then the shower starts running. I begin to relax but a second later I hear a startling thump.

"Ow, shit." Vic cusses.

I want to ask him if he's okay, but I don't. It's probably best to just let him be.

Ten minutes pass and I turn over for the third time. I want to sleep, I do, but part of me is thinking about the comfortable bed and in comparison how uncomfortable this sofa is. And another part of me is pondering the thought that only a few feet away, separated by just a door is Vic, completely, utterly and beautifully naked in the shower.

I hate that thought, I really do, but my mind can't help but to go there. I will myself to not delve deeper into those thoughts though. Lord help me if I let them go further.

I turn to the ceiling and listen to the sound of the running water until it eventually stops.

There's a few long minutes until the bathroom door opens and Vic walks out. I eye him as he heads towards the bed in his boxer-briefs. I forget not to stare, and watch as he feels around for the bed. He pulls back the covers before he finally climbs in. He pulls the covers up to his chest, leaving an arm exposed as he lays on his side.

I stare at his arm. The moonlight that's creeping through the curtains illuminates the curves of his biceps. God I would love to be wrapped up in his arms right now, in that comfortable bed, pressed up against him as he sleeps.

The thought makes me nervous, but I think about what Sam would say, what Dr Levit would say. They would tell me it's normal to have these desires. Heck, Sam would be stoked.

I begin to feel at ease with the thought, until I actually begin to consider acting on it. Could I just go crawl into bed next to Vic? I'm almost sure he wouldn't mind. He did want me to sleep next to him the first night we kissed.

My heart hammers in my chest just considering it. Thinking about it is one thing, but actually doing it, actually getting up and sliding into Vic's arms...well that might just be too much for me.

But the temptation is there. And something tells me that once it's done, once I'm at rest in his arms, I won't feel so overwhelmed about it. Maybe it's just about getting over this hump, conquering this initial fear.

I think about Brandon. I think about how much I loved sleeping pressed up against him. I want to get back to that place again, the place where I feel comfortable doing those things. I want to do it for Vic, and ultimately for myself.

I make a completely impulsive decision and stand up, simultaneously throwing my covers off. My breathing is as fast and heavy as my heart is beating strongly. But I'm up now. There's no going back.

I stand still for just a few seconds before I take the plunge and quietly creep through the room and around to where Vic is sleeping. Just seeing his handsome face is enough to make me pull back the covers and slide into the little space there is next to Vic.

I can feel his breath on my neck as I shuffle back closer to him. I reach behind me and take his exposed wrist and pull his arm around me.

I let out a relieved breath as my suspicions are confirmed true. I feel completely relaxed and comfortable in his arms.

"I was wondering when you were going to bring your cute little butt over here." Vic whispers, revealing that he is in fact awake.

"Sorry." I blush embarrassed.

"Don't be." he whispers, kissing the back of my head.

He shuffles back, giving me space but then he pulls me close to him again. He keeps his arm draped over me, now with a tighter grip.

"You okay? You comfy?" he asks. I can hear the grin in his voice.

"Yeah. You?" I grin back.

"Never been better." he sighs.

He kisses the back of my head again which makes me grin even wider.

I didn't realise how much I missed being giddy over a boy until now. This is exhilarating.

"Goodnight, Vic." I whisper.

"Night, Kells." he whispers back, gently nuzzling his chin into my hair.

My giddiness eventually subsides and I'm left in a state of shear content, which is enough to lull me to sleep.

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