Chapter Twenty

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"So we ready to go?" Vic chirps, slipping his keycard into his pocket.

"Just about." I smile as I finish tying my shoe.

I look back up at my boyfriend as he waits for me. I appreciate how cute he looks but something's a little off. I've done something wrong.

"Babe, take off your jacket." I tell him.

He looks confused but removes his denim jacket and places it on his bed.

I smile at his biceps that fit perfectly in the short sleeves of his button-up.

"Much better," I sigh, standing up and walking over to him. "I missed your arms."

I hug his waist and brush my cheek against his muscles.

"You're so cute." he mumbles, kissing my head as he wraps his arms back around me.

He clears his throat as if he's about to say something so I wait.

"Did, um, does Brandon like, work out and stuff?" he stammers out.

I'm once again confused as to why he brought Brandon up.

"He does. Not as much as you though." I answer.

Vic just nods silently then forces a smile.

"Ready to go?" he asks.

"Yep." I chirp.

I hold his bicep as we leave our dorm and head down to the recreation room where Brandon is hosting the party. I'm not quite sure why he's throwing a party, I failed to ask, and selfishly I don't really care.

"Um," Vic sighs. "I'm a little nervous. It would mean a lot to me if you just supported me a little tonight. Like you're free to go off and do your own thing, but if you would just check on me every now and again, I'd really appreciate that."

I swoon at his candor. It's things like this that I wish I could say. I wish I could ask him for support. I wish I could tell him I need him. I wish I could be open about my emotions. I'm lucky to have someone who's so honest with me.

"Of course, babe. I'm here for you." I assure him.

"I'm here for you too." he smiles.

As we approach the building's rec room, I take note of the large amount of people coming in and out of the entrance. I immediately become conscious of my scar.

I consider that this is a bad idea and that I should just go back to my dorm and cuddle with Vic for the rest of the night.

But I don't want to let Brandon down, not again, and I know that once I've had a few drinks–more like one–I'll forget all about my scar and just have a good time.

"It might be a little crowded, but I'm gonna keep you close until we find a space." I assure Vic, wrapping my arm around his waist so I don't lose him in the sea of people as we enter.

It's not overly crowded in the rec room though which I'm thankful for. There's definitely a lot of people surrounding a pool table, a beer pong table and the DJ but the party doesn't seem as crazy as I was anticipating. There's definitely clearer, quieter spots.

I locate a circle of sofas where a group of people seem to be conversing. They look friendly enough and there's an empty sofa over there, so I set my eyes on it and make my way over.

When we reach our destination, I make Vic aware of the sofa and we sit down together.

I take a second to look around at the party, now that I'm not smack bang in the middle of it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a little out of place but it does feel good to be doing something different, and to be amongst people in a nice atmosphere.

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