Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I get a knock on my door around one pm. I'm still recovering from my hangover. Don't know how I'm hungover after only two drinks. Maybe because of the lack of food I've been eating lately, or the lack of water I've been drinking, or maybe I'm just a lightweight. Either way, my headache is killing me.

I consider not answering the door but I actually feel a little better today. Talking to Brandon really helped. I unloaded a lot of guilt I've been bottling up for a while. Maybe I should actually listen to my therapist more often instead of avoiding my problems.

I get out of bed and go open the door. I barely have the chance to acknowledge it's Sam before she throws her arms around me. I lean into her, needing the comfort more than I thought.

"Kellin fucking Quinn, you ever do that to me again I'm going to break the door down and you're going to have to get a job so you can pay for the damages." she hisses.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"So you should be! Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? You could have at least texted me to let me know you were alive!" she exclaims, squeezing me tighter.

"I'm sorry." I repeat, becoming engulfed with guilt once again.

Sam just sighs and finally lets go of me. The absence of her hug leaves me feeling broken, as if her arms were the only thing holding me together for that brief moment. She looks past me into the room and looks surprised.

"It's so..." she trails off as she stares at what used to be Vic's side of the room. I never really noticed how much presence he had until he was gone.

"Empty." I finish for her.

She looks back at me saddened, her eyes connecting with mine for the first time in days.

"Kells, are you okay?" she asks me quietly.

It's like her words pull the legs out from under me. I collapse back into her arms and burst into tears, shaking my head against her shoulder.

"I really fucked up, Sammy." I choke out. "And I don't know if it can be fixed."

"There's nothing that can't be fixed, baby bro. I promise." she whispers.

She kisses my head then pushes me back so she can wipe the tears from my face.

"Was this the same thing that happened with Brandon?" she asks me softly.

I nod, taking some deep breaths in hopes to calm myself.

"Okay," she whispers. "I'm going to take you to therapy, okay? Get dressed."

"Therapy isn't until later." I croak confused.

"I know. We're going to get some lunch first. You need to eat and I need to talk to you about something." she admits softly.

The uncertainty of her words leaves me nervous. What could she need to talk to me about?

I do what she says and get dressed. Changing my clothes surprisingly makes me feel a little better, a little more human. I meet her out in the hall then we begin walking towards a small local cafe where we usually get lunch together.

I order food, feeling hungry for the first time in days and Sam just gets something small. She seems nervous which is just making me nervous.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I ask the second we sit in the outside dining area with our food.

She sighs and steals a french fry from my plate before biting it in half. She looks conflicted as if she's not sure whether she should tell me.

She takes a gulp of water then she straightens herself out and visibly takes a deep breath.

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