Pensieve 16: Grow Up, Let GO

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"Grow up, accept and let go. That is the only way that change can happen. This is what I learned. Sometimes, I feel as if, a new way is soon to open, I'm being directed towards a path far from everyone and everything I am still holding on to...and if i want to take this new road, to fly in that direction, I have to let go. Know what you want and focus on it.  Believe in God. Trust others. More importantly, believe in yourself. Set a goal. List down all the steps you need to take to achieve it and think about how you will do them. Let it sink in, that it can happen. Plan, but trust not only in the plan but also in what's going to happen. Be brave, be confident. Even if you are not, pretend you are. Nobody can tell the difference." 

"And because You are with me, I can now unfold my wings and soar without fear or hesitation, and be the person that I have always wanted to be, and also that You have always wanted me to be."

Sometimes, the best attack is absolute surrender...

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