Pensieve 48: Live Freely

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We only get one chance to live....even if we are reincarnated, it will be a different life altogether. So let's live as freely as we can. We are only human, vulnerable to fear and grief, sorrow and regret. But ultimately, there are things more important than all of those things. Never let fear limit life. It is much better to live freely and be vulnerable, no matter how hurt we were, than to go on through life taking the "safe" path. Much better to take the risk and get hurt rather than leave it closed, never knowing the answer, missing on what could have been. Fear will only lead to overthinking, and overthinking can cloud right judgment, obscuring the truth. With that, you already miss out on something which could have been better than what you have now. Break down the barriers. Instead of fearing that you will make a mistake, it is much better to focus on the task itself, and be determined to do it right. The reason we feel fear is because we are intelligent enough to recognize the diffficulty of what we are faced with, and as humans, we are allowed to feel it, but, precisely because we are humans, we are always capable of doing more than we have, and of doing everything as right as we possibly could.

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