Pensieve 19: I Wish To Be Someone Called "Strong"

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"The ability to still smile even while dying inside, to still stand up while feeling extremely weak, they dubbed it as "strength". Denying that negative fulfilling the requirements of life...can we really call it "strength"? Putting on that facade of a smile, that deception of resiliency...just to look "capable"...can we really call it "strength"? Denial, lying to ourselves...when it becomes such a habit, I apologize for being out of place as to contradict...but I think I would be a fool if I call that "strength". I can only see it as cowardice."

"How I wish to have that ability to face pain, anger, hatred, jealousy, self-pity, self-regret, guilt, depression, denial, and fear...not to ignore, but to accept... to let go...and in the end be able to transform in to an identity...that rises from all those ashes of sadness and pain and hurt...into a more golden, stronger a surging phoenix, and be able to move on and pick up life, carrying with me all those lessons learned with hardship, in the hope of a brighter, sunnier tomorrow! How I wish...How I so be someone that can be called "Strong".

No matter what it failure, jealousy, heartbreak...keep faith and courage. Even if you're bleeding to the last drop, treat it however you can, accept the pain, and walk straight towards your goal without looking back.

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