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Jin's POV

"Namjoon, have you seen Jimin? He was supposed to be home 2 hours ago."

I was panicking since he hasn't been back since 3 pm. His uni ends at 2. God, I am being a mother.

"I'm still busy hyung. Go ask Hoseok to locate his whereabouts" He spoke without looking at me still eyeing his paperwork.

"Namjoon.. I know you're mad at me for scolding you yesterday. But it is right, Joon. You know how he is. You know his personality better than me.

Because you were the one who brought him here"


Jimin's POV

Lying on the bed naked, covered by a blanket after an intense sex. Damn this is the best day of my life. I lost my virginity to my mommy.

"What time is it, mommy?" I asked getting sleepy.

"Its 4.30 baby.. Why are you asking?" She answered while cuddling me.

I widened my eyes. I immediately got up, startling her in the process. I got out of bed and wear my boxers.

"What's wrong babyboy?" She asked raising Hee brows.

"I'm going home mommy. My brothers are worried about me. I'm sorry mommy..." I said as I'm done putting my clothes on. My expression changed to a sad one. I felt bad for leaving her.

"Awe baby, don't be sad babyboy. We'll still meet up at school tomorrow, don't forget about me" She said getting out of bed, only in her lingerie. She still looks sexy even after I fuck her, correction, after she fuck me.

"Bye mommy" I said pecking her lips. She smiled before we shared our last passionate kiss.


"Hyung! I'm home!"




I looked at them dumbfounded. They think I'm dead just cause I didn't go home for a few hours.

"Hyung, I'm okay. See? I'm not dead and I'm Jimin Kookie, thanks for asking" I said with sarcasm on the last sentence.

"We thought you were kidnapped!! God you scared the shut out of us" Hoseok hyung said. Rubbing his chest. I felt so touched that they cared for me this much.

"Where Namjoon hyung?" I asked in a little voice. I knew he wouldn't care about me. I'm nothing in his eyes anymore, just a weak and a crybaby.

"I'm here"

I look to my right and see him on the stairway. I gulped and avoid his gaze. He doesn't even search for me.

"Go home on curfew next time. I almost called the FBI and report that you were missing. Now let's go back to our schedule" He said. When he turned around and went up the stairs, I smiled so wide.

"Come now Jiminie, I made dinner!" Jin hyung said. I smiled and made my way to the kitchen.

When I'm in the kitchen, I was pulled in by Jin hyung. There stand Jin hyung, Hoseokie hyung, and Jungkookie. They're eyeing me.

"Something's different from our Jiminie" Jin hyung said. "Yeah, hyung. Its like he has something to tell us" Hoseokie hyung said. Jungkook just eyed me like a hawk. "What's wrong hyung?"

"You've had sex!" Jungkook screamed. My ears and face went red when he said that, more like yelled. "You did! Jiminie you're grown up!" Jin hyung said.

My (Not So) Innocent Boy [21+]Where stories live. Discover now