Seu Mul Han

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Joon's steps was halted when he heard the voice calling out to Tae, his brother. He didn't know what to do, he didn't recognized the voice. Now that he heard the voice, it belonged to a girl, a girl he didn't know. How did she know Tae? Were they friends? "Tae, you said you want to, oh." The soft voice immediately realized that she wasn't alone and there were no Tae.

"Have you seen Tae? He said he wants to meet me here." The girl said with her innocent voice. "Who are you?" Yoongi asks, his hand is itching to grab his gun in its holster. "Oh, my bad, I'm Hyeri.. Tae's girlfriend." She smiled and the boys were shocked to hear that, they knew about Tae's death from Joons story. "Girlfriend? Tae's alive?" Joon asks, in his heart there's some part that's relief but there's also a part that's confuse and angry. "Why wouldn't he be? He said he want to meet me here, he sent me an address, to here." She gave her phone to us and it's true, the address led here. "What's this Tae's name?" Joon asks, "Kim Taemin." She finally said and the others were disappointed, "Oh.. I know him, he's one of our friends.. But he might sent you the wrong-- Gah!" Soon a tranquilizer was shot towards the boys, without them noticing.

Hyeri smirk, "Got em." She then opened her phone to dial her friends name, "Hey I got them, where should I bring them?" She asks while looking at her well done nails. "I'll send you the location, make sure all of them arrive there before sunset, I'll see you there." Then her friend hung up. "See you Y/n." She giggle.


Jin's POV

It's been almost three hours since they departed from the house. "Hyung I feel like something's wrong." Jimin came out of nowhere, as he stood there in his pyjamas. "Chim, I told you not to worry. They'll be--"


I heard the door bell ring and soon I let out a sign of relief. I immediately ran to open the door but I see nobody. When I look down I see a wrapped up gift and a note sticking onto it. "Hyung who is it?" Jimin asks as he ran to the door standing behind me to peek. "Chim. Get inside, and hide in the safe room." I ordered and close the door. He looks scared but did as I say. I turned off all of the lights and close every door and window. I head to the safe room and grab a disc player to play the video.

"Chim you're in there?" I ask and I heard a loud yes, once I enter the safe room, I closed and locked the door.

I head inside and see that the room is already prepared and well kept. "Hyung what's happening? I thought they're safe." He said as he tears up, "No no no, don't cry Chim. We'll get through this okay." I calmed him down and soon we were playing the disc.

"Hello! If you're already watching this then that means you already know that you're friends aren't back yet. Oops wait, let me introduced myself, I'm Hyeri, Kim Hyeri, Y/n's trusted friend. I'm here to deliver you these pictures. I'm here to say that my men have caught them and will bring them to your parents hideout. I'm not saying this to help the both of you, I'm just doing whatever I want. I know where you are right now and I won't harm you if you follow my lead.

That mansion has many secrets and many deathly weapons for you to use. The suits. The weapons. The facilities are all high tech. You can use them to find me and Y/n and get your revenge. Use this disc as a guide to the place. I know you're hiding in the safe room as soon as you received this gift from me. In that room you'll find a little opening for this to put in. It'll help access everything single thing in the house. That's all I can. Be there at five pm sharp... We're not waiting so be quick.

And with that it went black. "Hyung.." Jimin whispers and I just sat there not knowing what to do. "We're gonna save them Chim... Let's just do what she told us to do.." I whispered and took the ejected disc from the player. I look around and immediately found the little opening she said. I walked to it and push it in and in an instant, the door to the safe room opened and I heard a lot of clicking sounds. "Let's go." I took his arm and pulled us out of here.

We went to the living and see that everything's change, the paintings that was there was flipped and now there are so many guns. The cupboards that was closed are now open and was filled with different types of suits of armor. "Hyung... Its amazing.." Jimin whispered and I just agreed with him. And lastly, the pool table that was there is now a huge screen filled with coordinates and locations, even hidden ones. "Let's find them." He said and ran to the huge screen. "How? I don't even know how to--"

"Locating The Kim's whereabouts...




Scanning area...

Location found. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung...


-Kim's hideout

-Kim's Retired area

-Kim's 3rd floor basement

Would you like to open CCTV cameras?

Yes                       No

At first I hesitate to click the screen, but what I didn't see was the countdown and before I could click No.. It disappeared and soon I found three different CCTV cameras on play. One in the room... One in the Kim's retirement area and... Lastly a dark place. "Hyung.. What's this place?" He pointed towards the black one. "I don't know.." But as I was about to click it, my focus was distracted.

"They'll come.. Hyeri has informed them..." I heard Joons voice, but it was cut off by a loud laughter. "Stop hoping.. They won't.." Y/n had appeared in the camera holding a belt. My eyes widen, "Think what you want Y/n.. They will come, and they'll save us." Joon said while gritting his teeth. "Hit them twenty each." She commanded before we heard groans and cries of pain. "Hyung I can't watch anymore." Jimin covered his eyes and I closed the camera. "Hyung they're hurting.." I sighed. "Let's head there Chim.. We're their only hope." I said before grabbing some stuff to attack and defend myself.

Suddenly through the audio, we heard pants and cries of help. "Someone.. If you can hear me, I've been stuck here for years.. Help me." That voice, is so deep. "Hyung did you hear that?" Jimin asks as I he puts on his gun on the holder. "Yeah.." I said as I went back to the screen. I didn't know which one it was coming from. I clicked the one with Joon in it and mute it but still its still there. Wait... Could it be.. Our Tae is still alive? I immediately clicked the black camera and raises the brightness.. And there it is.

A boy with long black hair sat in the corner of the room. He was so skinny, heck he looked like he is a skeleton. "Tae.. You're alive!" I shout happily. Not realizing that I hurt someone's feelings.

My (Not So) Innocent Boy [21+]Where stories live. Discover now