Yeol Ahob

978 36 0

Jimin's POV

I woke up as the sun hits my face. My mind was still dizzy and couldn't remember anything from last nights occasion. As I stood up, I saw the members lying on the couch and some were on the floor. "Hyung." I called out as I shook Namjoon's hyung body. He just groaned and shift his position, I made an 😑 face and woke up Jin hyung. Thank god this time he responds.

"Jimin-ah, why are you up so-- WAIT! GUYS WAKE UP!!" Jin hyung screamed and the whole house immediately woke up. "Hyung, why do you have to scream?!" Yoongi hyung whined as his slumber was interrupted. "Its early and look at us! We're like a homeless people living in a house!" Jin explained, "But aren't homeless--" . "Shut up Joonie!" Jin responds at the speed of light. We all laugh.

"Alright everyone, clean up this mess. I ain't getting my hands dirty in the morning." Jin ordered as he walked to his room. We all sigh and cleaned up the mess from last night.


Namjoon's POV

"I'm going to be in my office if any of you needs me." I said as I head to my office which is on the second floor of the mansion.

"Hyung hyung!" I heard Jimin called my name and my attention was immediately taken by him. Usually, Jimin wasn't the person to call me out of nowhere.. This time, there must be something serious. "Jimin-ah, what is it?" I ask while looking at him, as soon I saw see his eyes, there was something in them. Something like... Fear. "Hyung, please don't be mad... Last night when you were drunk, well everybody was, b-but someone snuck into our house... I couldn't remember much, but all I remembered was I was fighting her and then.. And then..."

As I soon as I heard him saying her, I immediately ran to my office.

I slam the door open and its true... She was here last night, just like Jimin had said. I panic as I saw all of the drawers opened, especially the important ones. I quickly ran and check if some of the documents are still there.

"Hyung what's wrong?" Jimin asks as he enters the room. "Jimin, tell everyone to pack their things. We're going somewhere and fast." I told him and he immediately nods running off to the boys, telling them.

I just hope we're not late when we're there.


"Hurry!" I said as everyone take their bags and went to separate cars. "Hyung, are you sure this is right?" Jungkook asks. "Kookie, I'm 100% sure. All of our important documents are gone, and if they're spread... We're dead meat. We have enemies everywhere and now they know our secrets." I told him and he nods. I throw my last bag into the car and start it. "We're leaving everyone, make sure your important things aren't back at the mansion." I talk over the walkie talkie.

"Yes hyung."


"Yes hyung."

I start my car and left the mansion, all five cars right behind me as we left our old place and move to a new one.


As soon as we arrived to our new, well, not new but its still ours and nobody hasn't been here before. Its the Kim's emergency secret bunker. I guess we're gonna have to use it now. I started to press in the pass code and soon a hidden underground path opened.

"Hyung are you sure we're in the right place? I didn't know we had this kind of bunker before." Hoseok asks through the radio and I just simply answered, "I'll explain later when we're all set in the bunker. For now... Just drive in." I said as I change the gear and speed into the path, to leads who knows where.

Your POV

"I GOT IT! FINALLY! After all these years, my hard work paid off! Here I come father for my sweet sweet revenge." I enter my mansion and I quickly head to my room. Preparing a plan of action to the Kim's retirement house or whatever the fuck they call it cause I don't care. I'm killing every single one of those bastards who lives inside that place.


Soon he arrived looking tired as he has just woken up. "I  need you to do something for me and I need it quick." I said as I open the file while smiling like the maniac or psycho I am. He hummed while rubbing his eyes. "I need you to locate this area for me, and I need to send some spies there to stalk them. I want to know their daily activities 24/7." I said in detail as I scan the file.

"Why?" He yawned.

"So that we can attack them and kill them easily then everything's over." I stood up from my chair, approaching him. "Well, everything won't be over Y/n. Their kids are still alive and don't forget that their kids has their own gang. Your plan isn't perfect yet Y/n. You haven't think things through." He was right... I forgot about those little cockblockers. Darn it! I had everything set. I need to redo everything.



"Send 20 masks men to their mansion and search through everything, by everything I mean every single inch and every meter of that house. I want those men to bring their belongings here. This time... I'm not wasting any shit and I'm not playing around."

Author's POV

"WOAH! HYUNG WE HAD THIS BUNKER THIS WHOLE TIME? IT'S MASSIVE!" Jungkook said as he ran around the place, Namjoon sighs as he rubbed his forehead. "Joon, tell me what's going on. No, tell US what's going on. You must got a reason for just telling us to pack our things and left." Jin demand and of course, I gotta tell them the truth behind everything.

"She got to our files yesterday night when we got drunk. Jimin said that someone snuck into our place, at first I thought it was some ordinary burglar but as soon I ran to my office... Jin hyung, she stole our secret files.." Namjoon admitted and Jin's eyes went wide. "W-What? No! I thought dad hid it well!" Jin started shouting. "Joon, those documents were important. Those docs are filled with our information and other things!" Jin started to rage.

"Hey hey, everyone calm down, okay? This isn't the right time to blame each other. Yes it was our fault, OURS! Not individually. We got too drunk and got wasted, so now we need to think of a plan. We need to save your parents right? Then let's do it, that's our mission. We need a plan. I know that she's a cunning woman, her plan must be filled with tricks so we gotta he prepared." Yoongi said as he calm the situation and he explained to everyone. "But our stuff is back at the old mansion.. We know that she might be there so take some of our things so we can't go back." Yoongi said as he rub his temples.

"Oh, hyung!" Jimin suddenly speak up making the others interested. "I uh.. Brought this when I was packing.. I don't know what it is but I found it in a drawer. It looked like its important." Jimin handed a key chain filled with three different keys and a card. "Oh, Joon isn't that--"

"Tae's secret garden and fathers  basement keys."

My (Not So) Innocent Boy [21+]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora