Seu Mul Du

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Author's POV

"Tae.. You're alive!"

When Jin said those words, he didn't realize that he had hurt someone's feelings... Jimin's feelings. Jimin's eyes suddenly looked hollow. He knew when Tae came back, he'll be replaced, he won't be needed anymore, and no one would love him anymore. "Chim, we need to find the location of this dark place. I'll call for back up." Jin rushed before he left the place to make a phone call. While Jimin just stood there, looking at the dark screen. He knew his worth after Tae return, now he knew the reason why Namjoon picked him up when his mother died. 

He was just a replacement.

His eyes teared up but he wiped it off. He won't be crying, if he's not going to be worth in their eyes then he'll leave, but not just yet. 

He accidentally touched the screen making it unmute. He heard heavy breathes through the audio. 

"They got the safe damn it!" Namjoon's voice echoed in the audio. "What's inside the safe anyways hyung? Why's it so important?" Jungkook's dry voice was heard, "Weapons... Very very important weapons." Namjoon's ragged and heavy breathing was all he could focused on, he knew being whipped twenty times must've hurt a lot. "Just that? Hyung we have so many weapons, why is this one important?" Jungkook's patience was running thin, "Just tell us what's inside that damn safe hyung!" He shouted and that's when chaos began.

"Stop shouting you little brat!" Yoongi shouted back, "They'll fucking hear us." He said though gritted teeth. "I don't fucking care, he needs to be fucking honest or I swear I'll break this fucking handcuffs." Jungkook spat, "You don't need to know, Jeon, have ever heard of privacy?" Joon glared at Jungkook, "Oh so now you're telling us that inside that case aren't just weapons? Why don't you share your time with us and tell us our death time stories before we bleed out to death." Jungkook pant and scoff. 

"Why are you such a curious bunny, huh? You know that curiosity killed the cat? Or should I rephrase that and turned it into 'Curiosity killed the bunny'? Isn't that what you are?"  Namjoon chuckled, "Yeah, what if I am?" Jungkook joked back, suddenly there was silence in the room. "You really wanna know inside that safe?" Namjoon said in a small voice, "If you wanna tell me then go ahead, I'm sorry for forcing you and yelling at you." Jungkook said and everyone sighed, "Okay... I think it's time you know what I've been hiding..." Then there was a tense atmosphere.

"Inside that safe is a code, I took from my dad's office, I thought it wouldn't be important but it is. That code could open something in our old mansion. I don't know what it is but it seemed important that's why I kept in it the safe." Namjoon admit and the only reply he received was silence, "You could've told us hyung, we would've been on our guard and protect the safe." Jungkook softly whispered, but all he got was a sigh from Namjoon. "It's alright boys, it wasn't your fault anyways." Namjoon said but no one believed it.

Suddenly the door slammed open again, Y/n and her two bodyguards entered the room with satisfied smirks on their faces, the three boys knew that she had heard everything. One of the men took out a safe, their safe, and gave it to her. "Open it," She put it on Joon's lap. Namjoon glared at her, "I won't open this safe." He said, "You will never get your revenge Y/n, you'll fail." He said then spat on her face, the two men behind her were ready to beat the shit out of him, but she signaled them to stop. "You know it's rude to  spit on someone's face," She said while wiping the spit off. "If you won't open it... I'll break--" 

"Yo Y/n," A familiar voice was heard, and there she is, Hyeri, the girl who tricked them. "What?" Y/n said through her gritted teeth. Hyeri looked at her confused, "There are six members," Hyeri said as if trying to give her a hint. "So?" Y/n asked, "Y/n, there are six members, I saw four back at the garden..." Hyeri furrow her brows, just then Y/n had realized.... "Where's Hoseok?!" She screamed suddenly gunshots were fired. "Right here bitches!!" He shot the two guards leaving the two girls and three members tied up in the chair.

Just then the cameras switch off

Jimin panicked and pressed everything to turn the screen on, just then Jin entered the door. "Jimin-ah I've sent people to look and search the Kim's 3rd floor basement, who knew we had a--" When Jin saw the blank screen he was confused. "Why is it blank?" He asked and Jimin gulped. "I-I don't know h-hyung, I swear it wasn't me..." Jimin whimpered but Jin knew something was up. "It's alright, what happened at the retired area?" Jin asks, "Well, they managed to get Y/n and this girl name Hyeri, Hoseok hyung was the one who did it." Jimin explained and Jin nods. "It's okay, we'll head there in a few minutes. I just need more information about Tae's whereabouts." Jin said and Jimin only nods. 


Y/n's POV


That's all I could think of. Stuck in this room with these four imbeciles that managed to trap me. "You fucking asshole, how did you manage to escape?!" I shouted, my voice echoed through the room. "I won't spill anything to you bitch!" Hoseok point the gun at me but I know that he won't kill me, he couldn't. "I just want Joon to open the safe. That's all, is that a very hard task?" I mocked while pouting, "A task? It's an easy task, but the consequences, they're hard to handle." Namjoon said, "Fine then..." I said, "I won't do anything, I'll just wait until my men come and kill all of you." I said through gritted teeth. 

"You're done Y/n, our men is coming their way here." Yoongi said and that made my blood boil. I clench my fist and decided to take things onto my own hand, I took out a hidden gun and point it at Hoseok. "Move or I'll shoot," I warned him, he didn't look threatened at all so I keep up to my word, I shot his thigh. Everyone was shock, including Hyeri. 

"You come with me or not?" I ask Hyeri as I take the safe with me, but I knew from the look in her eyes... She won't. I scoff and left the room leaving all of them behind, I left the room with a blank face and pressed the red emergency button. Alarming my men that they need to come out. I knew that they will escape... Because Hyeri had helped them. 

I went out of my mansion and head to the beach behind it. The safe is with me, they surely will come to me. "Hold this safe," I told my men and they nod.

I stood in the middle, for now I had 25 men with me... They're the last ones while the others had died.

You probably think why not hire more? It's a waste of money. Also, I'm winning here... I have the safe with me, all I need it the passcode to this safe and I win. They have nothing...


Two sports car entered the beach, I smirked and took one step forward, my men behind me is already prepared with their guns out and pointing at them. I scanned them and count then one by one...







and.... another random boy?

My (Not So) Innocent Boy [21+]Where stories live. Discover now