Tiny Problem. Miniscule, Even

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I awoke actually refreshed for once, but still cozy and sleepy.
I made to get up, but then I remembered I was still laying on Celestia.
We seemed to have shifted in the night because I was laying in her lap and she was just laying adorably on the pillows.
Double beds were fun, and I was happy I had one. I probably would've fallen off if I didn't, and this would be a lot less comfortable.

Celestia lay somewhat awkwardly; my head laying against her thighs, and the rest of her legs just below the pillows. Her upper body was more splayed out, her left arm over my shoulder and resting against my right boob and her right arm across the rest of the pillows; her hand against the wall.

I didn't want to disturb her.

My bed was wedged in the corner of the room, right below a window but cozily so. It was as far from the door as possible, purely by coincidence. Like I wasn't one of those people who always checked where the exits were. Okay not much. Rarely. Only in new places.

Sunlight streamed through the curtains, giving the entire room a warm pink glow. The wallpaper was a soft pink anyway, but now it was glowing pink. My clock flashed the time; making it out to be around eleven. I was so happy this was a sunday. Like; we could just lay like this all day and there'd be no consequences at all.

I was still pretty proud of my room layout, like I'd spent ages figuring out exactly where I wanted stuff to go; my bed nestled here, along with my draws and shit next to it, along with my Desk with the laptop and drawing tablets and stuff.
My paints and other physical art materials were in a box somewhere under the bed that hadn't been touched in years. I rarely used them.
I didn't regret it really, lineart was so much smoother and easier with the right tech, and amazing with a custom-written drawing program.
Celestia had made it for my birthday last year. She was an amazing girlfriend, and I really didn't deserve someone as nice as her.

She stirred behind me, barely moving, but I knew she was awake now.
"Morning, Tia,"I whispered brightly.
"Uuuggh,"She moaned in response. What a mood.
I'd be the same if anyone spoke to me the second I woke up.

She didn't take her hand from around me and I was grateful. With the other hand, she cupped her mouth as she yawned.
"What time is it,"She moaned, voice slurred a bit.
"There's a clock right there."
"I can't read... Time...in the morning,"She said, yawning again.
She could read time. The display  clearly read out 11:13. And she also knew it was a twenty-four hour clock.

"Can I get up now?"She asked
"Why??? Its like twelve?"
"Because..."I didn't wanna get up. I just wanted to cuddle more. Did that make me needy? Was I needy?
I moved down a bit, wrapping my arms around her leg like a koala,"Because I have your leg."
"Of course,"She responded slowly, smiling,"We can't possibly get up because of the detrimental factor that you have my leg."

I laughed.
"I still wanna hug."
Celestia moved her hand back to my hair again, stroking gently,"And I can give you one, if you let me go, first?"
"Hug first,"I demanded.
"You drive a hard bargain. I mean especially considering I can't reach you from here."
"A compromise then?"I suggested,"I let you go, then I give you a hug?"
"Okay deal,"She accepted, not asking for how long.


I'd snagged a piggyback ride as a replacement for the hug, still just in my bra and panties. Tia had managed to get some leggings on somehow, so I could feel a lot less of her lovely silky skin.
"Why did I agree to this?"She questioned, kind of rhetorically.
"Because I love you?"I replied, leaning in through her hair to kiss her cheek.
Her hair was so hecking poofy; it was almost difficult to kiss her from behind now.
While my hair was hip length and black as the night, hers came to the base of her neck and was an explosions of rich gold curls that almost doubled her head size.
Now it was pretty much a mess, but it seemed like she didn't give a fuck. She was so hecking badass.

"Pancakes please,"Celestia asked the food dispenser in our kitchen.
Why we had a food dispenser in out kitchen was kind of strange.
Like food dispensers were originally made to obliterate the need for kitchens entierly, but they kind of caught on together, the lack of need for kitchens making them more fun.
I liked switching between actually cooking and just getting the stuff with no effort at all.
Today was definately a no effort day.

Celestia plopped me down on the couch, then sat down next to me in her usual disastrous position; kind of half cross-legged, but with one leg laying on my knees.
I barely felt it.

Celestia picked up her phone.

I made to eat a bit of pancake.

"Autumn?"Celestia asked. It wasn't really a question though. It sounded urgent.
"Mmm?"I replied through a mouthful of pancake
"Check the news."

I grabbed the remote and turned out flatscreen on. It came on on cartoon network, and I flicked through the channels until I found a random news channel.

The reporter looked panicked; but they were stationed near the standout hexagonal structure of The Dome just like usual.
"Everything looks normal?"
"Just wait a second,"She commanded.

In the background there was a marching group of people; they looked like the army or something, weapons out and standing in lines.
"-taken the City's centre along with The Dome in the largest anti-democratical acts of the century. Haven's former leaders have been marched outside,"The camera switches to another view, where five people knelt on the ground in front of people with guns.
Those were guns.
In Haven.
Those were hecking illegal and those hurt people
Why would anyone take up arms inside of Haven?

I looked at Celestia in horror, her face reflecting my exact emotions
I realised that they weren't just people kneeling on the ground.
These were the members of the Utopian council; the governmental body of Haven itself.
Haven was, or had been governed really fairly with a system very similar to communism.
Everyone was paid the same and most if not all big buisnesses and shops were state-owned. Energy and water weren't billed, and anyone going freelance, like me with drawing and writing, were offered quite generous contracts just to have fun. Robots did all the small tasks, allowing everyone to live in luxury. Somehow they managed to kept prices down, along with competition which was welcome.
It hasn't been a single party state; the Council had to be elected biannually and had six different representitives with differing backgrounds and opinions, Also from six different parties.
Proportional representation actually worked for once, because everyone supported freedom.

Although that might change

A figure wearing a pitch black mask stood at a podium, long blonde hair waving in the wind. They were flanked by two other people holding large flags with black pentagons slightly elongated at the bottom with a red four-pointed star on it and a red border.
The reporter had stopped talking now and was listening to them speak.
Their voice seemed barely human, distorted by the mask probably. Unless that was their actual voice, in which case I felt sorry for them,"Haven has become a breeding ground for scum who threaten society as a whole. Trannies who invade our private spaces. Dykes and homosexuals who may abuse us as they please."What the actual fuck was this idiot talking about?"You have all fallen into the misconception that we are all equal. That Nobody is superior in any way. But that is a lie. You've been indoctrinated into this farce, but The Syndicate is here to save you."
This- what?

"What the fuck,"I asked quietly,  scared.

"I, Vindicator, take control of the government of Haven, to restore all that is good. This is a coup. The previous leaders will be imprisoned, including those escaped. Pride is cancelled, and for anyone who decides to show up,"they seemed to laugh maliciously,"Then you'd better be bulletproof."

Celestia turned the TV off.
I looked at her.
She was angry. I rarely ever saw her angry, but I could tell that she was really furious now.
"This is NOT how democracy dies,"She declared, teeth gritted.
"Well what can we do about it though,"I asked quietly.
She was silent for a second.

"We rebel. I'm gonna get changed, get the spray paints; we're gonna do art. Also we're still going to pride."
"But guns..."
"They can't kill us all right? Come on."

I made to get up, but something was wrong.
"Aren't you coming?"Celestia asked.
I answered,"I can't feel my legs."

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