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I've been thinking about Haven for years now. An almost utopian city trapped inside a bubble. It wasn't even always called Haven, and it wasn't always a rebellion. Heck, at one point it was set in London with a robot uprising for freedom. But, as all ideas do, it gradually drifted together, Autumn's pretty iconic character taking shape.

I owe this story, well partly to myself, but to the people who helped me write it, and everyone who gave me the inspiration to do so. Thank you Starlit-Stories for listening to my ideas and helping me even before Haven was a fully formed idea. Thank you KawaiiCaticorn for reading everything really fast, and for all the feedback and support. Thank you to the several millions of books I got my ideas from, and to the internet for being there. Also the heck-ton of other people I can't tag cuz they don't have wattpad :(

And thank you to you. For reading my story.

But it's not over just yet.

16/7/2020(english way of writing dates):I wrote this a while ago, It's bad. I know it's bad. If I wrote this again now I could make it so much better. But I won't. Imo, the storyline isn't up to my standards, so I won't be touching this thing again. Any other full length story i ever have the patience to write could be far better than this ever could. 

Fighting for justice is overrated. Why try be the hero when there are so few people worth saving? Classic flaw in superhero movies. The Villains are the true honourable ones, because they stay true to themselves.

If I ever do this again, don't expect anything morally correct. 

Haven UprisingWhere stories live. Discover now