Hello Darkness My Old Friend

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The floor seemed closer and I felt a lot smaller. My hair wasn't as long and I felt odd. My eyes felt wet, and it was like i was about to cry.
I remembered this.
No I didn't want to see this again.

The dust storm swirled around me again, the deep brown like endless darkness.

In front of me stood someone similar to me again, but taller, thicker, with muscles like damn.
A singular nose stud on her left.

Not her. Please not her.

You're not one of them; not one of us,"She stated,"What you are... You're wrong. I can't even look at you any more.. just get the fuck out. Thing."
"What did I ever do to you to deserve this,"I replied,"The way you raised me, it was inevitable you'd find out like this."
"This is my fault?"She yelled, not understanding at all,"You think I made you a freak?"
"No. What's your fault is that you just can't accept me."

Imagine being hit by a freight train at full speed.
Now imagine all of that force condensed into a singular punch.

Her fist hit the side of my head and I fell backwards, too stunned to use my hands. My head hit the ground in a familiar place that I knew there was a scar in.

"Don't come back,"She declared.

The tears came fast.
The dust storm was gone now and I was completely alone in almost total darkness; the only light being a faint aura coming from me.
I lay in shallow water or some sort of liquid. It was strangely warm.
I tried to push myself up, but succeeded in just causing a large splash.
Some of the liquid touched my lips, and I tasted a lot of salt.

"Hello?"I called.
My head still hurt from before, and there was a thick warm liquid coming from there.
I brought my left hand to it, and tried to stand again.

I still couldn't see anything.

A blinding explosion of light hit me again. I squinted against it, and now I was in what looked like daylight.
Orange clouds of something coiled around me, like some kind of toxic fog, not transparent enough to completely see through; not opaque enough to hide much.
Patches of seemingly burning sunlight shone through the thick cloud cover, the places where it touched, the liquid steamed and evaporated.

One of the patches was approaching me, and I tried to move away, but my feet were stuck in the water.
The light touched my skin and it BURNT FUCK and then all of me was burning and all the scars were back and all of them hurt like I was back there and I closed my eyes and then I WAS back and it hurt SO MUCH but I had to there was no other way I needed-

"AUTUMN,"Celestia's voice jerked me back into consciousness again.
I opened my eyes and Celestia stood in front of me, Valkyrie attempting to hide behind a large box.
Broken equipment and scraps of familiar looking fabric littered the floor, and Valk looked at me in a way that was almost like she was scared. My façade was gone, and so were my clothes and everything was in view. My scars were open and freshly bleeding, like I'd been-
Oh no.

Celestia looked extremely worried.
My throat hurt, and I took a breath, before I realised I'd been screaming.
That was embarrassing.
I wanted to hide.

"This girl needs a therapist,"Valkyrie remarked cautiously,"And a much deeper anaesthetic."
"Autumn,"Celestia spoke, all anger gone; and only care and worry left in her expression.
I felt like I was going to cry again.

"Sorry for the equipment,"I apologized.
Valkyrie replied"Don't worry about it."
"Did you get anything though?"I asked.
"AH yes I got something,"Valkyrie exclaimed, as a massive whiteboard rolled in through the door,"You say you cant feel your legs, but bloodflow is still completely normal in them. Absoloutely everything is completely normal and I have no idea what's wrong. I mean it might be something with nerves but thats just a theory. The only reason I know you aren't lying is because everyone else I tried that taser on screamed a lot louder."

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