I Am Taken To A Creepy Alley Where I Make A Terrible Decision

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It probably wasn't a big deal was it? Like Valkyrie could just make another or something, cuz she was Valkyrie.
The real problem here was that the Syndicate probably had it.
I didn't know whether it would work on anyone other than me but surely it shouldn't take that many adjustments?

But had they even picked it up?
They might've even just left it alone. It looked unassuming enough right?

"Tia?"I asked quietly, as Luna and Nico approached a creepy alley.
Well there weren't many creepy alleys in Haven. And most of them weren't actually creepy at all.
"Yeah?"Celestia replied,"Baby you good?"
I began slowly,"I may have left Valkyrie's glove behind where we were doing the rainbow thingy..."
"Did the soldiers see?"She asked carefully
"I'm not sure,"I replied quietly.
"So if they have I we're effectively fucked if they figure out what it does,"Celestia thought aloud,"And if they don't we're totally safe."
I nodded.
"That's a pretty big what if."

"And we are here,"Nico announced as Luna tapped the wall.
"Why are you tapping the wall?"Celestia asked bluntly.
The wall folded in on itself to the sides smoothly, to reveal what looked like Valkyrie's front office lit in pinkish lighting now.
Luna replied, sounding a bit annoyed,"It's not a wall it's-"
"NICO!!!"Someone interrupted, rushing out of the newly opened doorway, and scooping Nico up in their arms.
"Hi Gideon,"Nico laughed, stroking their face in return.
They were pretty tall, about a head taller even Celestia, and from the looks of things he was pretty strong too.
His skin looked a lot like mine, well apart from the scars, like the kind of deep yellowy- light brown you get from being mixed-race; but slightly more yellow toned than me. He had short black hair in a similar style to Luna and wore a pink hoodie with a pinky-red t-shirt on underneath that had a yellow star on the front like Steven from steven universe. He also had tracksuit bottoms on and shoes with a rainbow stripe around the bottoms. I was ninety-nine percent sure he was wearing foundation
So this was Gideon then.

"Who..?"Celestia started, sounding incredibly confused.
"You remember Nico's boyfriend he tried to not tell me the name of?"I reminded
"OH!"she exclaimed, smiling
"He's called Gideon."
"Like the indestructible guy who killed Nicol Bolas?" This was getting repetitive.
"That was what I said!"I replied

"Ah Autumn, I didn't expect you this early,"Valkyrie's voice came in a mockingly posh tone,"Also hello, Celestia and Luna. I'll see you in the lobby"
"WAIT,"I yelled aloud, causing everyone to stare at me,"Did Valkyrie move her lab?"
"That's a good question actually,"Celestia agreed.
"Well obviously,"Valkyrie's voice came again,"I mean we can't really hide Morwenna in the upper reaches can we?"
I shrugged in acceptance, following Luna inside.

Celestia followed, along with Nico and Gideon.
The latter two were still being cute, but Luna looked kind of lost.

"Autumn?"Celestia began
"Have you ever kissed someone before?"She asked quietly,"Just out of curiosity..?"

And we were back here; the embarrassing fact that I'd never been in a relationship before; mainly because I'd never had the confidence. With Celestia though, things were different; she was the extra supportive loving type, and I loved her back fiercely.

"You know how I told you I hadn't dated anyone before you,"I began, as she nodded in return,"Yeah... No."
"Like ever?"
I shook my head,"I mean I've heard about it; dreamt about it but like I've never..." I trailed off
"Do you want to?"She asked softly.
That was a big question.
"I- I'd like to?"But that wasn't enough embarrassment so,"With you if- if you know, you want to?
My hands felt sweaty and my face felt hot. I was screaming inside and I really hoped I hadn't screwed everything up.
"I'd like that too,"Celestia replied quietly, her smile like a comforting glow in the pinky light.
This was one of those quiet moments that I loved. Just staring into each other's eyes and knowing that we loved each other more than anyone else in the entire world.

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