Why Does Everyone Have Energy Cannons?

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"What do you mean 'A Challenge'?"Celestia asked, outraged.
"There's like fifteen tanks outside; I think this is a tiny bit more than a challenge,"I added.
"Oh no I can handle it don't worry,"Valkyrie dismissed easily,"If I had like a month I could make this entire place into a giant robot or something. This'll be no trouble."
"Well we're a tiny bit short of time here,"Tia observed,"Seeing as they only gave us five minutes."
"They could be bluffing?"Valkyrie speculated,"Destroying any part of Haven is ridiculously dangerous, especially this high up. Shit could fall and hit stuff and then there'd be even more casualties."
"True but are we willing to take that risk?"Celestia replied.

Both Celestia and Valkyrie had gone into full risk assessment mode, while I was just there, half sitting up and kinda clueless.

I'd never been in a fight before, even in school.
Well I'd been beaten up, but that wasn't the same thing was it?
I never liked hurting people, and I wasn't easily provocable, and I was kind of scared of what I could do if I was.

I never really tried the full extent of my power, mainly because of the massive drain it put on me, But the potential for pretty much anything was very scary.
If I could tear metal to shreds with a hand gesture, then what could I do to a person?

"Well what defences do you have then?"Celestia interrupted my thoughts.
"I have a hecking forcefield, or is that not enough for you on its own? Would you like to know about the backup forcefield behind it? Or the other backup one behind that? Or the third backup one behind that? Or-"
"Well I get that, but what about offencive defences?"Celestia probed
"Doesn't that just defy the entire definition of a defence?"I asked.
"Does the forcefield count?"Valk checked.
"What about the fact it deflects rather than absorbs?"
"Helpful but not overly helpful unless its directed."
"It's not. I can put together an energy cannon together on our side but it'll only have a few shots because the power drain on those things are huuuuge."
Celestia nodded in return,"Go ahead then."Valkyrie left the room.
"Autumn can you fight?"she asked, turning to me
"What? No. I'm basically a pacifist, I'm not gonna hurt anyone else-"Oh shit. I let something slip.
Tia didn't seem to notice.
"And I can barely sit up anyway let alone fend off ion blasts,"I continued quickly, still hoping she wouldn't notice.
"That's okay you don't have to if you can't,"Celestia assured me.
I sighed.
Why was I like this
"Okay fine I can help block some If you put me in position,"I began
"If it hurts too much, stop,"Celestia asked me gently. Not as a statement; just a request,"Just- I don't want to get you hurt more than you are already."
Her face was screwed up in an adorable pleading face, and her stunning depthless brown eyes were pools of love staring right into me adoringly.
"I-"I couldn't really make a promise I couldn't keep,"I can try."
"That's all I needed."

"YOU HAVE ONE MINUTE REMAINING,"The angry voice yelled again.
I glanced at the camera feed on the laptop again and all the tanks' cannons were glowing with etheral blue energy.

"A; can I have like a T-shirt or something to cover up, and B; also shoes,"I asked quickly.
I'd almost forgotten I was naked.
"You're gonna have to ask Valk about that, but here,"Tia replied,"Have a hoodie."
"Its really fucking hot do you really expect me to wear that?"
Celestia shrugged.
I tied it around my waist.

Celestia wheeled my bed up a ramp and within seconds we were on the uncomfortably hot roof of the lab in midday sunlight. There was an amazing view that looked like it would've been an amazing spot for a date, had this been any other time.
It overlooked everything, but from where I was on a wheely bed I couldn't see anything below the line of tanks.
"It's Wheely hard to see from here,"I told Tia.
"Tank you for pointing that out,"She replied, grinning,"You'll never be able to one up me."
"Ready!"Valkryrie shouted, running towards us while holding another laptop, which bounced with each step,"I mounted six on the front wall, but they run on mains power, and while I've leeched extra from the grid, after I fire the field will be down for a few seconds. And in addition to that I can't fire unless the fields are down."
"So pretty flawed then,"I observed.
"Well I didn't have time to sync anything so what did you expect?"Valkyrie retorted defencively,"It's problematic but it could work? And even if it doesn't, I've got an EMP emmitter planted on the underside of the bridge just in case"
"Glad we're sorted then,"Celestia remarked, as another loud announcement came.

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