"Give Me Your Deoxyribonucleic Acid"

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We ended up crashing on the sofa and playing Overwatch for the rest of the night.

I mean I was kinda useless at it because I only ever played as a support hero, and just encouraged everyone else, but it was still fun.
After a lot of games, when it was finally morning I left Celestia playing as Zarya and went for a drink in the kitchen.

It was nice to be able to walk and stuff again. Like, it was still difficult, but manageable thankfully. My legs were still a bit shaky but I got the feeling I could do just about anything I could before fine.

I still wondered what had actually caused it though.
Like what can obliterate all the nerves in both someone's legs?
Unless this was a side-effect of something else that I didn't know about...?

I opened one of the wood-pannelled cupboards, before realising hadn't decided what.
It was the morning so something warm?
But Tea or Hot Chocolate???

"Tia!!!!!"I called
"Yeah!!!!,"She called back
"Should I get Tea Or Hot Chocolate!?"
"Hot Chocolate always!!"
"Do you want some too!?'
"Yes please!!"

I got two mugs out. We had those adorable mugs that were like "My girlfriend loves this mug," and that sort of thing. They were my choice, and Tia loved them.

"Hot chocolate please,"I quietly asked the drink dispenser, which sat next to the food dispenser.
I held out both mugs underneath it and steamy hot chocolate poured out into them.
"Thank you!"

I took the mugs back to the sofa, and set Tia's down on the coffee table (even though neither of us had coffee much), before sitting back next to her and leaning on her shoulder.
"Thanks baby,"She replied quickly.

I opened up my phone, checking WhatsApp quickly. I had like twenty messages. In one night. That was new.

A few from Luna, Celestia's twin sister, who I'd only met like a few times, some from Valkyrie checking up on me, and a few more from Nico who'd finally told me what his boyfriend was called.
I opened up Luna's chat first, being greeted by,"Hi Autumn, I saw my sister earlier if you're wondering where she is."
Followed by,"Autumn, please join the rebellion, we need all the help we can get."

"You saw Luna last night?"I asked Celestia, who glanced over my shoulder quickly.
"Oh yeah,"She replied,"There was a whole group of people with Morwenna, her and Nico included."
"That explains a lot."

I tapped back,"You know how I am with violence, Luna; like I would but I can't stand hurting people. Sorry."
I flipped to Celestia's chat, noticing she'd sent a heart back.
So I sent another heart to her.

Celestia's phone popped up with a notification noise.
"Noooo. Autumn not the heart thing again,"Celestia guessed, glancing back.
"I will never relent,"I grinned, flicking back to Luna's chat.
She was typing.

Well that was spontaneous.
"Don't worry I understand,"Came the reply,"I had to ask tho. Try and stay safe  ;)"
"Thx :),"I replied in return,"You too."

Luna was nice.

I flipped to Nico's chat, eager for some tea to be spilled.
I looked through my previous messages to him,"NICO WHAT'S YOUR BOYFRIEND'S NAME,"followed by,"Tell me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease alskdnmdksnskskakandk."

The new messages from him read,"Oh my god fine. He's called Gideon."
"Like the invincible guy who killed Nicol Bolas?"I texted back.
"That was what I said,"He replied almost instantly,"He said his dad was a huge fanboy so like.."
"Congrats anyway 💖,"I finished,"Have fun in the rebellion."
"How in heck did you know about that????"He asked.
"Of course."

I switched to Valkyrie's chat,
"How's the legs? You know what caused it yet?"She'd texted.
"Idk, but they're working okayish right now,"I replied,"I can walk almost normally."
"Great cuz I kinda wanna find out what's causing it, jic it happens again,"She replied instantaneously.
Why was everyone so fast on their phones today?

"Find out how?"I probed
"I was thinking that I could kind of get a read of your powers?"She asked,"Like just to see if there's a correlation. I won't ask you to do anything you don't want to though."

I probably should let her check, because I had no idea how to find out on my own. But I'd always kept my powers kind of secret and I kind of wanted them to stay that way.

I really wasn't proud of having so many scars, and if anyone found out how they worked then they'd probably figure out why the other ones were there too.

"On one condition,"I told valk
"You keep it private. Please?"
"Done. Don't worry about it,"she assured me,"Meet me at like ten at night outside your flat."
"Right cuz that's not creepy at all"

I snuggled up to Celestia more, watching as she blew things up.
You might think shooter games wouldn't really be my thing, and you'd be right. They promote violence and I didn't really like that much. They weren't hurting people though, so they weren't as bad as real life.
I still didn't hurt anyone when playing them, and I was pretty sure I just couldn't.

I scrolled through the hundreds of notifications I never looked at, finding a news alert.
I tapped on it, opening up the article.

The headline read,"The Syndicate Commands That All Citizens Submit for DNA Scans."

How about no?
"Hey Tia look at this shit,"I called softly.
She glanced at the article briefly,"What the fuck, no thank you."
I laughed.
It was ridiculous really; they staged a coup against the people's will, then ordered us to do stuff?
Nobody would ever obey them.

"Hey Autumn?"Tia asked, putting the remote down.
"You wanna go spray painting later?"She asked hopefully.
"Oh heck yeah!"
Spray painting was something we'd done together for a long time. Like not necessarily graffiti art; most of the time we'd had permits.
Most of the time, anyway.
We both liked drawing, but Tia was more into traditional stuff like with paint or pencils and stuff.
We'd stopped doing it recently but apparently we were back.

"I'll go get the stencils and shit,"I said, getting up,"Do we need the masks?"
"If you want I guess? Yours makes you look a superhero."
"That's the point."

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