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(Ellie's POV)

Valkyrie stood in front of me, rigging together some robot.
It was pretty impressive to look at, looking like some mecha-style samurai.

Exactly like that sketch I'd drawn.

The room was illuminated in a deep blue light that felt vaguely familiar somehow.

"Is this how you wanted it?"Valkyrie asked, sounding kind of bored.

"I love it!"I exclaimed in return, wrapping her in a hug,"Thank you!"

"Valkyrie,"Morwenna's voice interrupted, making me jump a bit.

I let Valk go, turning around to see Morwenna standing at the door, wearing all white clothes that blazed with colour in the light.

"Morwenna,"Valkyrie acknowledged.

"I need some help with our...project,"Morwenna asked quietly, except it didn't sound like a question.

Vakyrie nodded, and Morwenna left, leaving the door open.

"I built in some rocket-launchers and some other random weapons into it,"Valkyrie told me, making towards the door,"I need to go and do something for a second but I'll be right back so have a play around with it for a bit."

She slipped out the doorway, popping her head back in.

"Please don't blow anything up,"She reminded with a small smile, before shutting the door with a metalic boom.

I was faced with a dillema.

What Valkyrie was doing looked very very interesting....

But so did a fuck ton of weapons...

Weapons could wait.

I pulled the door open. Or at least tried. But it was stuck.

Probably not locked.



I transformed, pushing the door open with a lot more strength than I probably should have.

I looked at the side of it on my way out, seeing the metal lock bolt thing mashed against the door.

Why the fuck had Valkyrie locked me in a room?

"Does Autumn suspect? Know anything about at all?"Morwenna's voice came from another room.

It was quiet but I could hear, only because of the quiet.

But what could Autumn suspect?

What was there for her to suspect?

"Scans say no,"Valkyrie replied,"Neither do Ellie or any of the others experiments. They're all oblivious."


So this included me now, huh?

And what others?

I crept towards them, seeing an open door, faint golden light oozing out.

I slunk beside it, peeping through the open crack.

Valkyrie and Morwenna stood in front of an opaque red glass window, a few faint blobs of darker black colour in there.

They faced away from me, positioned very close to each other.

"So the memory replacement was a complete success then,"Morwenna remarked, the smile in her tone.

"Well of course it was,"Valkyrie laughed in return,"You had me doing it. Although Autumn's powers appear to be doing what all of the other 10 codes are doing- it's... well that's not really a problem for now, right? So what was it you wanted me for?"

"Code: 99 killed the last of the ninties experiments,"Morwenna stated emotionlessly, pressing a button which made the glass turn transparent,"Honestly her appetite for human blood is quite impressive, but could end up being quite a problem if we can't control her."

Inside the glass was a child.

They looked like a five year old, painfully small, but there was something... different about them. Not just the fact they only wore a ragged T-shirt.

Their hair was a stark white, but they definitely weren't old.

Deep red spikes jutted out of their shoulders, larger ones that looked more like antlers coming out of their head

Their skin wasn't any usual skin tone, a deep crimson that reminded me of blood.

And probably for good reason.

With a shock, I realised there were bodies around their room, the red tint on the window being made from what looked like spatters of their blood.

They were like me, but a smaller more demonic version. But I had no idea who they were.

"Is her healing factor still as good?"Morwenna checked.

"No idea,"Valkyrie grinned in a disturbing way,"But we can find out?"

Morwenna nodded, and a green targeting laser appeared on the small red demon person's chest.

A blast of energy exploded before I could do anything, and I watched in horror as a hole appeared in the centre of their chest, accompanied by a scream that tore the air itself apart.

Morwenna and Valkyrie had just killed a child.

For no reason.

I stepped out, an inhuman roar building up in my throat.

I mean I wasn't going to kill them, of course, but- well I wasn't really sure what I was going to do.

But then something surprising happened.

The hole in their chest began to seal up, their scream still ripping through the air.

Then it was gone, leaving only the smoking hole in the shirt's fabric.

They screamed again, eyes fixed on me. It sounded different, not painful, but scared. And angry.

They honestly looked pretty scary, but innocent at the same time.

It was quite unnerving.

I tried to move backwards but Valkyrie turned, so that I could see the glowy outlines of her eyes.

She smiled, showing all of her teeth.

"Hello, Code: 84."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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