CP9 ain't so CPfine

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"Shit." I squeaked, not believing who I saw before me. Of course, he had to be none other than the pigeon guy- I mean Rob Lucci. If looks could paralyze, I would be a stone statue. "What is a young woman like you doing here? This is government land." He informed me, before giving me his trademark scary-as-all-hell look. "You are coming with me." He bluntly stated, before going to roughly grab my arm. "Oucch, you're hurting me!" I complain, before he tilted his head at me with a sinister smile. "Good."

I felt myself start to sweat profusely, before going to gulp nervously

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I felt myself start to sweat profusely, before going to gulp nervously. I did my homework; Rob Lucci was no joke. He had to be amongst the most brutal characters in One Piece. After all, he did admit himself in an episode that the very reason he even bothered working with the WG was because it allowed him to legally kill people. If that didn't make someone want to piss themselves, I don't know what will.

However, to my relief, his sadistic smirk went away just as fast as it had came, he was now back to his composed and quiet self. Unfortunately, his grip on my arm was still painful; that was going to leave a mark for sure.

"Lucci, where had you disappeared off to? I strictly said-" The lilac-haired man stopped what he was saying mid-sentence at seeing me, before I went to quickly avert my gaze.

'This is BAD. This is very, very, bad!' I panicked internally, before going to suck in a breath to try and calm my nerves, though that was proving very difficult to do, since I was just... oh, I don't know, currently restrained by THE Rob Lucci, and currently now in the sights of one of the most deplorable beings to ever exist in the One Piece world. Oh, that reminds me... IM CURRENTLY IN THE ONE PIECE WORLD! HOLY MACKEREL ON A FISH STICK!

"I found this woman hiding behind a tree." Lucci explained, not even going to give me a side glance, before Spandam went to approach me upon closer inspection, going to examine me as if I were some precious relic.

"Ah, as attentive as always, Lucci! Good work!" He smirked, before going to hold my chin, so that I was forced to look at his grotesque face.

"So, who are you, and what are you doing here? Not just anybody could get into this yard, unless they were authorized personnel or a criminal

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"So, who are you, and what are you doing here? Not just anybody could get into this yard, unless they were authorized personnel or a criminal..." His smirk then went to widen. "Since I do not recognize you, you must be a criminal!" He concluded falsely, as I shook my head in objection. "N-no, you got it all wrong!..." I frowned deeply, scared out of my mind. This wasn't like in the movies, where the protagonist says some cool line and makes a bold escape, this was real life, and in this real life, I am shaking in my boots! My devil fruit was the useless ink-ink fruit, I had no combat experience, no haki that I know of, but even if I did have some form of combat experience from the normal world, it would pale in comparison to what the CP9 agents were capable of!

'I didn't wish for this... I just want to go home..' I cried internally, before the female voice from before spoke up. "Lucci, what does her pulse say?" She questioned the raven head, who looked at my wrist. "She is not a criminal. A criminal would not be this naive to be on government property and be caught." He then looked sternly at me, before squeezing my arm tighter. "Answer the question. Things will go along a lot smoother if you cooperate with us." He spoke lowly, but in a tone that verified to me that he meant business.

"M-my name is (y/n). I have no idea what I am doing here, and that's the truth! I swear!" I told them, as Spandam looked at me in disbelief. "Like I would believe that! What kind of fool do you take me for?" He growled at me, looking as if he was about to hit me, before Lucci interjected.

"She is telling the truth." He confirmed, before turning to the blonde woman that was now by our side. "Kalifa, look her up." He instructed, as she nodded, going to check a record of sorts at the speed of Kizaru. "Nope, she is no where to be seen here. It is as if she just popped into existence." She pointed out, as Spandam then went to look at me with awe, before going to let out a laugh that would rival cartoon villains.

"Aha! See, I told you that the person we were searching for would be here, but you didn't believe me!" He chuckled, before throwing his hands up. "Ha! I love being right." He then went to contently fold his hands behind his back, before trudging onward. "C'mon, gang! It is time we report back to headquarters with our precious (y/n)." He then went to return his hand back to my face, but this time, by squishing my cheeks in a condescending manner. "Who is going to get Spandam promoted and seen as a hero? You are!~" He cackled, before going to proceed on.

'If I wasn't restrained, i'd-' "I wouldn't worry about him if I were you." Lucci suddenly spoke, as I was now forced to follow them. "What you should be worrying about is your future here." He told me, before going to turn to me, his eyes as cold as ever. "You could either join us and use your power for the sake of justice-" He then leaned closer to me. "Or, you could be foolish and fight against the world government, and inevitably lose; the decision is your's to make." He then got even closer if possible, close enough that his breath tickled my ear, and not in a comfortable way.

"But, regardless of your decision, I will be there to watch your every move."

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