Growing pains

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Naturally, everybody was pretty relaxed in this restaurant, just going to eat away, while some of us went to just chat it up. There was a very nice atmosphere.... which means that it isn't made to last very long, especially on such a dangerous island like this one!

"Is it just me, or is it weird how... calm this place is currently?" I asked the other girls who were sitting next to me, as they went to nod in agreement. "We still do not know how the natives of this land really go about kidnapping their victims. We should be diligent at all times about all those... around us..." Robin yawned, as Nami went to groggily nod... ugh, my eyes feel heavy all of a sudden...

"Y-yeah... those creeps... got to..."

"Stay away...."

(Rosinante's POV)

I still couldn't believe my eyes. Law, all grown up, and looking so healthy! I thought I wouldn't live to see the day!

"Cora-san, stop gawking at me!" Law barked, his demeanor still the same as always. "S-sorry, I just can't help myself!" I chuckled awkwardly, as he went to fold his arms grumpily, before going to spare a glance somewhere else. I went to see what he was looking at, before I smirked.

"Making sure (y/n) will be alright, are you?" I asked with a snicker, as he went to tense up immediately; gotcha.

"I am making sure all three of our girls in the coalition are fine." He lied, as I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't born yesterday, Law! I know that you're-" I then blinked at realizing something.

"Wait, they're all knocked out!" I pointed out, just as I heard some people yelp in surprise.

"I don't think so." The scariest of the coalition, Charlotte Katakuri, growled, as I then noticed a bunch of unconscious men scattered on the floor.

"How did you do that?" I asked in awe, as he didn't bother to respond to me. Instead, he went to simply go over to wake up (y/n), alongside some other guys in the group. Why did I expect him to respond to ME out of all people? I was lucky that he didn't kill me thus far, alongside the others!

"(Y/n), wake up." The giant told the (h/c) girl in an oddly soft voice, as her (e/c) eyes soon opened.

"T-the heck just happened?... I was talking to Nami and Robin before I fell asleep..." She noted, as Katakuri then went to gesture towards some men that he knocked out.

"I don't know what they did, but they're the ones responsible for you falling asleep." He explained to her, before going to hug her protectively.

"I won't let them hurt you, (y/n). I kept an eye on you the entire time..." He mumbled, before going to murmur some other stuff I couldn't quite hear. But, I was able to tell by his face that he seemed to be quite fond of (y/n). Again, I wasn't born yesterday, despite what grown-up Law may think!

"Maybe you should step in now, Law, and show him those new fancy powers that you have now! He is trying to take (y/n) away from you!" I pointed out to him, as he simply huffed. "I don't have to do anything. That guy tried to force (y/n)-ya to marry him a few weeks ago, but you can imagine how that went." He informed me, as I gasped.

"S-so... she's married to him?!"

"No, you moron! She rejected his proposal!" Law barked, as I sighed in relief. Whew, that's good news.

"So you still have a shot!" I grinned to him, as he just got grumpier by the minute. "This conversation is over." He grumbled, as I shook my head. Some things never change, do they?

"Welllll, if you aren't going to act grown... then I will happily do what you should be doing!" I chuckled, as Law didn't even flinch at my words!

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