A screw loose

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"...Ah, I see... your friends are quite... male..." My father muttered. He made sure to put extra emphasis on the word 'male', which was typical of him. Has he forgotten that I am a grown woman, for pete's sake?

"But does that matter, (d/n)? I think they are all a lovely, quirky bunch." My sweet mother smiled, as he went to fold his arms. "Maybe some of them, like that really tall guy, but that blond and the man with all those tattoos... I don't want them anywhere near my daughter after we get out of here..." He huffed stubbornly, as I sighed. Time to interject.

"Um, dad? I think I am old enough to make my own decisions, which includes who I decide to be friends with." I informed him, as he went to give me a stern stare in response. "But you are not old enough to know the nasty intentions of some men!" He told me, which made me roll my eyes.
"Of course I am... You're acting like I am this clueless buffoon." I frowned, really not liking this annoying coddling, as he simply went to look more sternly at me.

"We just heard right now how that blond was trying to peek at you showering; does that not raise any red flags for you?!" He waved his hand at me, as I rubbed my temples. "Sanji is always like that to every single girl he meets, though. Besides, I know that fool didn't see anything, because if he did, I would of found blood on the floor outside the door." I pointed out rationally, before smiling a bit. "Or, a dead body, since Katakuri would of killed him." I grinned, as I could see that my answer clearly didn't satisfy him.

"R-regardless, he for sure is thinking lewd things about you, and I won't allow it to continue on!" He growled, as I hung my head. These kind of conversations are sooo funnn to have!
They are as fun as finals week!

"I am going to use the bathroom now. We can continue this line of conversation... never..." I smiled weakly, before jetting it to the bathroom, before he could even say anything. Honestly, I love him to death, but when it concerns men around me, he can be such a pain in the neck!

(Kid's POV)

"So, the line is stable? Okay, that's good... I am surprised you can even pick up my signal here, Killer, since we're in the damn boonies here!... Yeah, I already sent you the coordinates twice, so you should of recieved it by now. If you don't, try and ping my connection back, then.... Alright then, hurry up because I want some good ol' booze!" I barked into the receiver, before ending the call. It's a miracle he even picked me up on radar, but I ain't complaining. Now, back to a better task at hand.

"I wonder if (y/n) knows anymore cool modes of transportation, like that seaplane of her's... she is a smart and sexy woman; what more can a man ask for?" I chuckled to myself, before the lady herself rushed past me.

"What's the hurry?" I asked her, as she continued to walk on. "Running away from another awkward conversation." She bluntly replied, before heading into a room. Im guessing she was talking to that chef of the strawhats... I was kind of not paying attention to all the shit that was happening due to my sudden call with Killer.

'So, if I am getting this right, those two homey looking people are (y/n)'s parents?... where the hell did they come from?... I thought this funky island was abandoned?...' I thought, my mind going a bit into the gutter.

'They seem way too clean to have been living here, especially with their style of clothes... it's almost like they sort of appeared on this island... and Killer had mentioned how this island suddenly popped up on his radar...' I thought, about to pop a vein as I tried to piece this wacky puzzle together.

'Could it be possible... that this island... can move?...'

"Hey Kid, you look like your head is about to explode... you okay?" I heard a familiar female voice ask me, as I snapped back to reality. "Y-yeah, Im fine... how about you?" I quickly changed the subject, since I was not ready yet to reveal my theory right now. It's entirely possible for an island to move, if it's bottom was flat and buoyant enough, but we're not talking about the possibility of it just floating around aimlessly at sea... it seems the island managed to teleport to an entirely different patch of sea!

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