The jokes on you

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Okaaaay, now things were getting... interesting. Let's see where it goes. 

"Care to elaborate on your nonsense?" I asked her, as she nodded with a grin. "Yes. You see, the young master was more than well aware of this other place from where you come from. If anything, it's common knowledge to the underground, but nobody was able to find the means to confirm the myth as truth... until young master came along." This magician girl told me, as she then spun her top hat with her finger. 

"Yeah, I know. He told me himself he knew how to get there." I informed her, trying to not prematurely roll my eyes. You see, I was one step ahead of the curve, and by that, I mean that I honestly didn't really care about what he did on Earth. The only people that I really cared about was my- 

There my brain goes again. Thinking back to my family. Ack, this really wasn't the time to be thinking about them, (y/n)! 

"He predicted that you were going to act nonchalant about this, being since you didn't immediately accept his offer and all in the first place. Unfortunately for you, he has a way of making you leave this cute little coalition for good." She smiled at me, as I looked at her, not even believing her to be a threat of any kind. They really didn't have anything on me that'd make me worried. 

"You see, I have fooled you all, and already stolen your powers, o great pixie!" She cackled, as I rolled my eyes. Yeah, right. 

"Sure you have!" I entertained, before going to then lift a hand. "Then how come I-" 

I then paled when I realized that my hand wasn't turning to ink. 

"I told you I wasn't an amateur, great Magician Hawkins! And unfortunately for you guys, it gets even worse!" She smiled, as Hawkins frowned at her. "Give her back her powers, now." He demanded, as she shook her head. "No can do! I alreaddyy gave young master the voodoo doll when you were misdirected by my great magic! It'd be such a waste to already give this up!" She said, as I felt my blood turn cold. 

My powers weren't working, and now the flamingo man had my voodoo doll. 

Seems I DID have something to worry about, after all.... oh god why...

"H-hey, don't look at me like that! I-I was just following orders! I-it's time we break for intermission!" She chuckled nervously, before suddenly roping me in, and sliding the top hat over us. 

Before I knew it, I then was faced with a certain ridiculously tall blond, who seemed to be admiring a familiar doll. Naturally, it'd be familiar, since it was ME! 

"H-hey, Doffy, how about you give that cute lil doll over here, eh?" I begged with a cherry on top, as he didn't even spare me a glance. "I don't think I will. Stubborn girls like you need to be disciplined more than others." He pointed out, as my next course of action was to- annnnd she's gone. 

"You see, when you agree to be apart of the family, you have to hold your part of the deal. This deal excludes any outsiders, especially the brat and strawhat." He smirked, before tugging on the ear of the doll, which caused me to wince. Why do these things exist, again? 

"I-I get what you're saying, b-but-" "But what?" He questioned, his smirk now gone, which caused me to quickly shut up. I didn't know what was more intimidating; his mad grin or his mad frown. 

"N-nothing, nothing at all..." I chuckled nervously, before trying to approach this whole thing another- 

"Trust me, I didn't want to have to give you any restrictions, but with your neat little ability to teleport at ease, I just had to set some in place. This little doll is just a warning to you to behave yourself." He told me, as I went to internally groan. Why were the main baddies so freaken smart? It made life a whole lot harder for me. 

"Daw, don't look so down, (y/n). If anything, I am doing you a favor!" He smirked, that iconic grin back on his face, as he stroked the chin of my doll. 

"After all, you are safe from anyone and anything here; I made very sure of that." He muttered, as I tried to hold back my tongue. He was still holding onto my voodoo doll, after all, and I didn't need to anger him by telling him that he stood no chance against Mary and Blackbeard. I needed to think smart about this! I had to think of a way to get this doll, get my powers back from that stupid girl, and get out of here! Without either or, I was practically a fish in the bucket. What use was my combat skills against a man that could control me like a marionette? 

They may not be useful against him, per se, but what about that magic hat girl? 

Maybe beating the crap out of her would convince her to grant me my powers back! 

"Now, why don't you come with me? I could help make you forget about those annoying pests~"


"I-I think I am good! T-thanks for the offer, though!" My voice cracked, as he simply made a string bring me to him, as his large smirk never left his face. 

"Don't be like that, dragoness~ I am just simply getting what you owe me." 

"What... did you just call me?..." I murmured quietly, suddenly feeling an intense ringing in my head, as he chuckled. "Ah, so you still do have them... excellent." He then tilted his head at me. 

"Haven't you ever took the time to wonder just why I knew so much about you?" He questioned, as I tensed up, not liking how this was going. W-why did that nickname feel so familiar? What the hell was going on with me now? Why do I suddenly feel like running for the hills? 

"Oh, sweet little (y/n); when will you realize that you can not escape your fate? No matter who you call "nakama", no matter how you twist time and history itself, you will never be able to escape what is meant to be." He told me slowly, as my body started to tremble, though I wasn't entirely sure why. 

"S-stop that..." I mumbled out, as he lowly snickered. "No, I don't think I will... unless you do something for me." He smirked, before going to hold my hands. 

"It's not even something major... yet... I just want you to stick with me." He tilted his head, as I went to bite my lip. It's not like I could really do much of anything... yet. 

"Can you do that for me, stubborn dragoness? I know you're trying to plot something." He grinned wickedly, as I tilted my head down, which caused him to very quickly make me look at him. "Look at me when I am talking to you." He ordered, which caused me to nod begrudgingly. This whole situation just felt way too uncanny for my tastes, but why?...

...D-do I really want to know why?...

"I won't repeat myself." 

"Y-yes, not like I have much choice in the matter since you guys have both my powers and voodoo doll." I frowned deeply, as his smirk widened. "Good, I am glad you understand your position now." He then went to wrap his arm around me. "Now, how about we spend some quality time together, hmm?" He "suggested", as I internally sighed, and just gave up and went to follow him to wherever the heck he wants to go with me. 

But as much as I hate to admit, he did have a point, there... how the heck DID he know so much about me? And that nickname... Ugh, my head hurts again... 

Regardless of all this insanity, I just knew that I had to a. find a way out of here with all my stuff intact, and b. find out all this business behind the dragoness gig, whether the answers be pleasant or not. It feels like this thing was something that I really couldn't avoid. 

It was times like these where I wish my parents were here...

"Don't worry, in time, everything will become clear. But, for now, I want to spend some quality time with you. After all, you deprived me of that for far too long... I'd say a good few decades!" He joked, or at least I thought he was joking. Despite how eccentric he looked, he was a very conniving individual. I think it'd take more than just wits to pull a fast one over him, which just made my dilemma even worse. 

'Did I just jinx myself back there?... Yeah, I think I did...'  

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