Not just a spy

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(A/N); As per popular request, here you go! Fingers crossed that yall enjoy this!


(???'s POV)

"Oh no, oh no, oh no... what am I going to dooo?! I knew I went too far back there, but I didn't want to reveal myself too early! I have to really sell the act, you know? It's hard work getting all this information from multiple networks, it's going to do my head in!" I complained towards the only one who'll listen, since the other one sucks at comforting me. Last time I went to him for my woes, he just told me to be quiet, because he was about to take a nap! How rude can a person get?! Last time, I had to kiss that awful tall blond man on the cheek for his comfort after the whole (y/n) incident. So much for wanting her for her 'heart', I suppose... Then again, hypocrisy is what makes this world go round.

"I don't think you went too far! It's tough business being a spy! Hopefully, this prediction of yours will happen soon so that you can get out of it; I can just see the toll it's taking on you!" My only friend, Perona, tried to comfort me, as I sighed, going to try to ease myself. "I hope so too... I-I mean, the way I talked to her was just... awful! Would she ever even forgive me for such insolence?!" I frowned, on the verge of crying at that memory, before another presence appeared. Just great timing... and right when I am about to cry like a baby! 

"Get a hold of yourself. I am pretty sure (y/n) will understand. After all, just look who she is aligned with... and I thought strawhat Luffy had charisma..." The vampire himself spoke, which honestly shocked me. Him, comforting me?!

"...What do you want out of me, Mihawk? You're never this understanding unless something is up..." I rose my brow skeptically since this was not typical behavior. He had about the same amount of sympathy as a rock, and I am not overselling that one bit. The only thing he really cares about for the most part, from what I can tell, is the honor of the swordsman, and blah blah blah... did I mention that he was also as boring as a rock? 

"Well, she and her companions have new bounties." He informed me, before handing me the evidence. "Again?! But for what?!" I asked him, as he instead stared at me expectantly, which caused me to huff.

"Hey, just because I also work for those guys, doesn't mean that I know their every move! I have multiple people that I spy on, okay?" I sighed, just when Perona attempted to calm me down by patting my back. "There, there, it's going to be alright!" She tried to convince me, as she looked up at the vampire man. "She is having a hard time right now, okay?" She attempted to reason, as his still face stood the same.

"I see. But, I am deeply concerned about how you of all people do not know the reason why... (y/n) is now wanted... but as a pirate." He told me, as I felt like dying right then and there. 

"N-no, you have to be pulling my leg! N-no, that can't be! Let me see more closely!" I barked, before taking a good look at (y/n)'s wanted poster. Surely enough, instead of pixie, it now read pirate, which might as well be a death warrant for her. T-there was already the rumors speculating around on her dating Portgas D. Ace, which was another thorn in my side, but now this?!

"C-calm down, she is still wanted alive, see?" Perona pointed out to me, as I wanted to hit myself for not noticing that obvious thing so soon. S-sometimes I really let my fear get the best of me... 

"What I am curious about is the change. They could have stuck with pixie, no?" Mihawk hummed, as I couldn't help but agree with him, if for once. "That's what I am trying to figure out! Why would that change even be necessary? I think the beri amount is enough of an indicator that she's a threat towards anyone with a sound mind!" I scratched my head, just getting more worried about her by the second. I thought she would do just fine with her friends, but at this point, I wasn't really sure how to feel! 

"Maybe because her friends are pirates? They could have listed her as a pirate just purely on association!" Perona suggested, as I shook my head. "If that really was the reason, then why didn't they make that change sooner? It just doesn't make sense to me..." I sighed, before going to tie my hair back. 

"Well, it looks like I have more detective work cut out for me. I have to find out the reason behind this nonsense!" I frowned, before putting on my iconic tophat, and transforming myself to my typical disguise. 

"Aw, leaving so soon, already? You hardly come by anymore because of work!" Perona pouted at me, as I went to neatly tuck my hat on my head. "Yeah, I am not happy about it either, but I'll try to make work last for only a week tops this time! Can't let them get suspicious of me now, can I?" I smiled weakly, before preparing myself to head off, before I was stopped by Mihawk, oddly enough.

"Do not head out just yet. I can tell that you're very stressed, and when you get stressed, you tend to let obvious details slip out. Stay for a couple of minutes more, while I prepare you some tea to calm your mind." He said, as I couldn't believe my ears. I let a small smile escape my lips.

"Of course, papa Mihawk, you know best. Especially concerning this, since me being stressed out is how we met. You know that I appreciate your help in my quest to save my homeland, right?" I grinned, as he went to swiftly turn his head. He would never admit to it, but I can tell that he was flattered by my words. 

"I should be the one thanking you, and you know why." He reminded me subtly, while Perona looked completely lost, as I giggled. "Yeah, I know, and I promise that when the time is right, you'll meet her!... J-just promise to protect me if she attempts to execute me for my unruly behavior, o-okay?..." I gulped nervously, as I heard the faint sound of a snicker, which I am pretty sure was just my imagination playing tricks on me. "Alright, Kiaria, though I already told you that she will understand. Just based on the information you provided me of her already, she's quite the intriguing princess..." He murmured, a bit lower than he usually talks, which of course made me suspicious; why the sudden change of pitch?

A-am I just being overanalytical, again?...

"Wait, why did you promise him such a thing, Kiaria? Who are you going to meet? You know I hate it when you two leave me in the dark!" Perona stomped her foot, not at all amused, as I turned to her to explain, before being halted, of course. Did that stop me, though? Not really.

"Hawkeye here has an 'eye' on (y/n)! He is watching her like a hawk! Hahaha, get it?... c-cuz he's Hawkeye?...." I chuckled, as one of us was cracking up, while the other was giving me a look that made my skin grow cold in an instant. 

"...Cold tea it is, then..." He simply responded, as I protested that very motion. "H-hey, it was just a harmless joke! I-I take it back, Mihawk, please! Anything but nasty, cold tea!" I begged as he had no mercy, and just continued on his merry way. M-maybe I did take it a bit far with that little joke...

He is never any fun... I blame it on his age.

"Were you really just joking, or telling the truth?" Perona suddenly questioned me, as I tried to not look too obvious. "The truth is up to your own interpretation." I chuckled, as she fumed some more at that. "Don't filibuster me again, Kiaria! Tell it to me upfront!... Does he have any dirt to dig up?" She whispered to me, as I clicked my tongue in thought. Should I tell her, or just keep it a secret, for his sake? 

Wellll, he was already going to serve me cold tea, so nothing good lost in voicing out this little tidbit of information.

"Think of (y/n) as one of those hypnotic watches. The longer you stare at her, the more entranced you become by her. She is not the princess for nothing; she's the embodiment of charisma!" I explained to her in a hushed voice, so that this conversation was just kept between me and her, as she nodded. "Ohh, so you're saying grumpypants over here has taken a liking to (y/n)? Is it because he sees something special in her?" She asked, as I nodded. "Yup, you got it right on the mark! Which is why he wants me to take him to her, when the time is right!" I snickered, as she looked at me in awe. "I can't believe what you're telling me! I am mad at you for not telling me such juicy information sooner, horohorohoro~" 

"Here's your tea, Kiaria." I heard the very person we were talking about say, as I went to turn my head; I didn't want to see the monstrosity that was cold tea. 

"Nah, I think I will get some tea while off duty with the marines; see ya!" I waved, before with a slip of my hat, I was gone. 

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