That foxy flamingo...

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For once in my time in being in the One Piece world, I am actually relaxing, and feeling at ease. Why, one may ask? Well, because a few days had past on the ship, and guess what; NOTHING HAPPENED! 

"You seem pretty chirpy today, (y/n)." Robin pointed out, going to join me by the table I was sitting at, as I nodded. "Why shouldn't I be? I haven't had to deal with some crazy event or some cute guy trying to kidnap me!" I giggled happily, as she chuckled a bit. "Heh, so the guys that are after you are cute, huh?" She smiled to me, as my cheeks blushed a bit of a red, now realizing what the heck I just said. "W-well, you know how guys in these parts of the sea look like.... they're all... ripped and stuff..." I mumbled out, looking like a complete fool, but Robin didn't seem to take any heed in my bumbling nonsense. "Yes, you do have a point there." She chuckled, before going to direct me to look up at the crow's nest. 

"Speaking of cute, ripped guys... Zoro is up in the crow's nest training... maybe you'd like to see him?" She teased, as I shook my head vehemently. "S-stop mocking me, Robin! If I did that, i'd be the biggest creep in the world!" I proclaimed, as she rose her brows at my choice of words. "Biggest creep in the world? I do not think such a title is right for you. In fact, you seem to be among the least creepiest people I have met thus far." She smiled, as if reassuring me, as I grinned a bit. "Huh, thanks." "My pleasure, but... are you sure? You are missing out on some ripped action." Robin informed me, as she covered one of her eyes, before not too long afterwards, a scream was heard from the crow's nest. 

A shirtless swordsman shortly afterwards exited the nest, looking furious. "DAMMIT ROBIN, DON'T SPROUT THOSE CREEPY EYES HERE WHILE I AM TRAINING!" He scolded the archaeologist, as she simply laughed the affair off, before turning towards me. "Case in point?" She asked me, as I nodded. "Case in point indeed... damn." I murmured, as Zoro continued to glare at the raven-head. "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?! IT'S NOT FUNNY! AND WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN 'case in point'?!" He asked, clearly ticked off, as Robin continued on smiling, as if it was no big deal, as she looked up at Zoro. "Me and (y/n) were agreeing that you're cute and ripped." She told him bluntly, which caused me and the green-haired swordsman to break out in heavy blushes. 

"U-uh........... thanks? It kind of *ahem* comes with the training..." He mumbled out dumbly, as I gave a death glare Robin's way, as she seemed to be soaking in our reactions like a sponge. "Remember (y/n), there's never any shame in stating the facts." She informed me, as I gawked at her. "B-but this is different!" I waved my arms, as Zoro seemed to be scratching his neck very awkwardly. "A-anyways... *uh-HEM!*.... please keep your eyes to yourself in the future, Robin, and (y/n)... please do not condone her embarrassing games... a-anyways, I am going back to training..." He very awkwardly got out, as he went to as fast as lightening shut the hatch to the crow's nest, as I went to give Robin another glare. "Now you just made things hella awkward!" I pouted, as she chuckled. "Maybe, but it had helped you." At her words, I look at her dumbfounded. "What?" 

"Think about it. You were just embarrassed even mentioning cute guys a few minutes ago, and now you were able to see for yourself that you're not the only one feeling awkward in those types of situations. If anything, take awkwardness as a good sign, since it means that he doesn't see you as a creep. Usually when someone finds someone else creepy, they are pretty direct about it, as you just saw. Awkwardness just comes about when people do not know how to handle different situations... am I right or am I wrong?" She rose a brow at me, as I looked at her like she was Einstein. "Robin.... you fricken genius." 

The peace continued on board the Thousand Sunny, before it was accelerated at reaching a certain type of island. "IT'S A PARTY ISLAND!" Luffy screamed out happily, before dipping out. "Wait, Luffy! This is not a a party island; it's a resort island!" The redheaded navigator barked, before going to chase after him, like a owner chases after a wild puppy. 

"A resort island? Does that mean... relaxation?" I said, completely stoked at the island, as Robin nodded at me. "That's exactly what that means." She told me, as I went to exit the ship alongside the rest of the crew, before spotting something peculiar. 

"Oooo, pretty! There's flamingos here!" I pointed out, as I heard a voice beside me mutter something

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Oooo, pretty! There's flamingos here!" I pointed out, as I heard a voice beside me mutter something. "Flamingos... even just seeing those birds makes me sick." "Huh, why's that?" "Don't want to talk about it." "Oh, well okay Law-" I then went to take a double take, and a few steps back, at realizing who I was conversing with. 

However, the tall male didn't seem to be trying to do anything, as he held both his hands up. "Hey, I do not plan on capturing you here. In fact, I think we might of got off on the wrong foot, back there." He smirked to me, as I looked at him skeptically. "Huh, you don't say. After all, it's not like you didn't try and kidnap me." I sarcastically replied, as the smirk persisted on his face. "No, you're right. And I admit, maybe that wasn't the best way to go about it. However, you did see the other supernovas, didn't you?" He tilted his head, as I nodded. "Yeah, they shouldn't of tried that crap, either." I murmured, as he nodded. "And I agree, but pirates are known not to play fair. When a big treasure is on the line," He then went to place his head on top of my shoulder, which caused me to shiver at the sensation. "They're willing to do anything to get it."

Luckily for me, Luffy and Nami were fast approaching me, coming to the rescue. "Hey, it's you again! Say, what gives? I thought you were apart of my crew!" He pouted at Law, as the man sighed, defeated. "Do you really have no idea what an alliance means? Damn, you're dense..." He then lifted himself off my shoulder, and went to give him a stern glare. "I told you, ever since the pixie came into known existence, our alliance was going to work a bit differently from now on. Until one of us claims the pixie as part of our crew indefinitely, then each crew was going to go their own separate ways until then." He murmured to him, as this seemed to have went right over Luffy's head. "Hey Luffy, they have a buffet!" I heard Usopp call in the distance, as Luffy's eyes practically turned into stars. "Oooo, MEAT!~" He then ran off in the direction of the call, with a poor Nami trailing after him. 'God bless her.'

"Say, why don't we hang out for a while, (y/n)? Maybe we can talk about arrangements for you fitting into my crew?" Law asked, as I chuckled awkwardly. "Yeaahhh... I am going to have to think about it... right now I am going to relax." I told him, as he folded his arms behind his head. "Do you mind if I join you?" He asked, as I shrugged. "Nah, go right ahead. I am probably just going to be lounging around, anyways... maybe even try and feed those flamingos..." I hummed, as I heard him sigh. "I do not know why you would even attempt to do such a thing like that. Those long-legged bastards are probably a bad omen." He huffed, as I looked at him in disbelief. "Hey, watch your mouth! They're very beautiful creatures!" I whined, as I heard an iconic laugh behind us. "Yes, Law! Watch your mouth! Do not be jealous of the beauty of the flamingos." The voice cackled, as I felt myself feel sick all a sudden. 'Whats this? I think I might of fallen ill with the do-not-look-back disease. In fact, I think the cure would be hightailing it the hell outta here!'  I thought, as I instantly went to try and run away, but of course it was fruitless to do, because I was tied still. "Why... why does this have to happen to me?..." I sobbed, as I went to glare at the man responsible for this web of a mess. 

"They are very beautiful creatures, for sure... but some of them can be little sneaky snookers.. like that foxy flamingo over there." I pointed at the ridiculously tall man, who seemed to simply laugh in response. "Nice to meet in person, (y/n). I got to say, you seem a bit foxy yourself, fufufu~" 

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