Welcome aboard!

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When I came to, I realized that I was now laying down on a bench. 'Weird, I was just with Rosinante...' I hummed, before going to sit up. At seeing a far too familiar fish tank, I went to externally sigh at realizing where I was now. 'Seems I magically teleported to the Thousand Sunny. But how, why? Oh, what is this weird world anymore?' I questioned internally, before noticing that the notebook and pen that Rosinante gifted me was also with me, too. 

"I could of sworn I heard a thud here-" I heard a too familiar voice say, before I saw the poor guy scream his head off at spotting me when he entered the room. "INTRUDERRRR!" He yelped, before going to get out his slingshot, and point it shakily at me. "D-don't move, lady, or I-I'll shoot!" He whimpered, before not so shortly afterwards, the whole gang joined in, including the raven-head, who looked shocked to see me again. 

"It's you again! So, you did manage to escape, shishishi." He giggled, as everybody else looked at him quizzically. 

"Luffy, who is this girl?" A certain navigator questioned, as the captain turned to her with his trademark toothy grin. "She was the girl the pigeon guy kidnapped. I met her when I crashed through the wall, and fought square Usopp!" He said simply, as if that was totally normal, as the redhead went to sigh, while the OG Usopp went to glare at him. "Do I need to repeat myself? I am the only Usopp around here!" He snapped, in which his anger went right over Luffy's head, who turned his grinning face towards me. 

"Say, lady, you wouldn't of happened to meet some magical guy, right?" He questioned me, to which I went to rub my temple in thought. "Do you mean Basil Hawkins?" "No, not that guy. This magical guy I am talking about can apparently do all this cool stuff, like healing people with serious injuries to full health, and controlling the world!" He chirped like a child who was talking about this great story they heard. I shook my head to his question, regardless. "Sorry to say, but during my short trip at that place, I met no one of that description." I informed him, before getting my mind really deep in the gutter. 

'On second thought... didn't Rosinante talk about basically being resurrected by some strange power?... maybe this magical guy was involved with that...' I pondered, before tilting my head a bit. 'But wait, the supernovas also seemed very adamant on catching me, as well as the WG... maybe it's just my rotten luck that they have possibly mistaken me for that magical guy... because I have the power of the ink-ink fruit... I couldn't possibly do OP crap like that, especially bringing people back to full health! Besides, when Rosinante's situation happened, I wasn't even here yet, so I can't possibly be this magical person, which means there is some scary as hell individual out there with crazy powers like that... oh god, am I shaking...' I cried internally, before forcing myself to pull it together. 

"Well, turns out he wasn't in that place, so we are setting sail to an island nearby to find him. Say, lady, would the nearby island be your home that the pigeon guy took you away from?" Luffy questioned me, as I shook my head. "Actually, to tell you the truth, I do not have a place to call home... you could say it's complicated..." At my words, Luffy went to look at me seriously, before seeming to draw to a conclusion, before his iconic smile slowly reappeared on his face, which caused me to internally groan, now preparing myself for the next thing that was to happen. 

"Would you like to join my crew?" He asked, which resulted in multiple crew members smacking him over the head. "Stupid! This woman just got on board our ship without anyone noticing; she has suspicious written all over her face!" Nami growled, as Usopp nodded in agreement. "What if she is some agent sent by the world government? Or worse, one of those supernova freaks?" He cried, as as certain raven haired female went to interject. "Actually, there is only 11 supernovas in total, and whoever this girl is, is not one of them." She pointed out, as Usopp trembled a bit. "I-I don't care! I say she is still dangerous!" He sobbed, before a moss headed- I mean, green headed swordsman, went to roll his still good eye. "C'mon, you all should know the deal by now; Luffy's instincts with people are usually right on the money. Besides, if she causes trouble, we can easily take her down." He told them, as I sweated nervously. "Y-yeah, I promise I am not here to cause trouble. I am just a girl who has no idea where she is, and doesn't know what to do." I truthfully say, as Luffy grinned at me. 

"Sooo... does that mean you're joining my crew?" He questions so innocently, to in which, I nod awkwardly. "I guess so, yeah..." I murmured, as he went to cheer. "Woohoo, a new crewmate! Sanji, make us some food to celebrate!" He instructed the curly browed cook, who was more than happy to oblige. "Of course, captain! Especially if it means feeding this beautiful lady!~" He swooned, before heading towards the kitchen. 

"Welcome aboard!... Uh, what's your name again?" Luffy asked with a scratch of the head, as I sighed a bit. "I never told you what my name was... anyways, it's (y/n)." I told him, as he grinned brightly at me. "Oh yeah, (y/n)! I remember now!... I think.." He hummed, as I face palmed myself so hard, it left a mark. "But I never told you my name!" 

"That's quite the book that you got there... what is it called? It doesn't seem to have a title..." Robin pointed out to me, going to look at the notebook in my arms, as I shook my head. "Oh, no, this is no book. This is just a fancy journal." I informed her, going to briefly recall the moment where Rosinante gifted me this little notebook. 

'I wonder if I am going to see that dork again...' I clicked my tongue, as Luffy seemed to have focused his attention on me, going to ask me all sorts of questions, like why I was even on WG property, how I got there, etc etc... of course with some questions, I had to kind of make up the answers for them, as to not over complicate already complicated matters. 

I was happy that it seemed that for now at least, I am safely in a place with no scary Rob Luccis prowling around... anything was an improvement from that. 

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