Operation get out

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I have been in this place for a few days now. Everything to my surprise has been going quite smoothly, what with the company of the three dorks. It almost felt like I was just chilling with them, and not held prisoner. 

'Lucci could learn a thing or two from them' I thought, before internally shivering at the very thought of that guy. Whew, was I blessed to have not seen- 

"Ah, it's you, (y/n)!" 

Out of pure instinct, I went to jump a few feet back. However, I then relaxed when I realized who it was that was actually addressing me. 

"Oh, thank goodness, it's just you, Kaku!" I sighed in sweet relief, as he rose a curious brow at that. "Why were you so frightened, (y/n)? Did the assigned guards make you wary?" He questioned me with concern in his eyes, as I shook my head. "If you mean the three I've been having the pleasure of hanging out with, no. I-I just thought you were somebody else that actually scared me-" "Someone like Lucci?" He asked me out of the blue, as I very cautiously nodded. "Y-yeah... mister obsessed." Kaku then sighed. 

"So I take it that you've seen his room when you broke into that base, then?" He tilted his head, as I nodded. "Y-yeah, and why the heck was his room full of posters of ME?! If that wasn't bad enough, he had a voodoo doll of me! What the hell was that about?!" I frowned, as Kaku's brows rose in utter shock, before he rested a hand under his chin. "So HE was the one who took the doll... I should have guessed... and here I was just thinking that it was just some regular doll..." He sighed, as I folded my arms. 

"You must have known that the guy is a loony, right Kaku?" I questioned, as he nodded. "For a while now, actually, and you must realize that his behavior concerning you isn't normal. He is usually all work and no play, unless we are undercover, of course." He chuckled softly, as I looked at him with utter confusion. "What do you mean?..." He then went to look at me with a serious look; uh oh. 

Whatever he was going to tell me next, is going to be something major, I can just feel it. 

"I mean that he likes you (y/n), but he has no idea how to express it in a healthy way." 

I had to hold in the groan that was dying to escape my throat, as well as resist the urge to roll my eyes. Please, tell me something that I don't know! 

"Yeah, it was fairly obvious with all the times I 'spent' with him... but I am not interested in what pain he has to offer for me; I am not into dying!" I told the giraffe man upfront, as he then went to sigh. "Yes, and I understand, but he is quite the relentless one, (y/n). I don't think he'd stop until he gets what he wants, and what he wants is you." He pointed out, looking at me apologetically, as I went to shake my head. "I don't care about what he wants. He'd need more than good looks if he even wants to get my attention. That guy is crazy, and the only craziness I put up with is that of my nakama! At least they don't accidentally desire to kill me when they try and get my attention!" I huffed, before scratching my head at how weird all those words sounded coming out of MY mouth. I was talking like I was some A-list celebrity, who had all these requirements and junk for potential suitors. Honestly, I didn't want to come across like that, because that's not who I am! I am a regular college student who is just trying not to die here! 

"I understand what you mean, but I am just warning you that you can't run away from him forever. One day you'd have to face him, and you'd have to snap him out of it for good if you don't want him to be among the many others behind your tail!" He told me, as I hung my head. He does make a good point, but still, I'd rather just not... 

"Anyways, head to the garden... they're here for you." He told me gravely, as my mood was just dropping more and more. Just great, now I have to face THOSE two. Neato. 

(One Piece X Reader) I Wishحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن