What Life Stole From Me

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(A/N): Sorry for the slow updates, everyone! I have been thinking hard about what kind of direction I wanted to take this story next, and I have finally decided on what I will do. Again, I apologize for the wait! I hope this chapter can compensate for it! Thank you so much for still sticking with me with this now year-old story.~ I never would have imagined I would have made it to this point.~ You guys are the best!


"Hoppity one, hoppity two, hoppity skip skip skadoo.~" Maree giggled to herself as she jumped around the beach, each hop she made in the sand causing hermit crabs to pop up, which made her giggle even more.

To a passerby, it looked like a grown woman was out of her mind, and some of the coalition members took notice, with Brook laughing at her childish display.

"I bet this is the first time she ever got to play! Those dragons are a mean bunch!" He chuckled, as Rosinante scratched his neck with a nervous gulp. They sure were...

"Mean is an understatement. They are cruel bastards who care for no one but themselves." Law frowned deeply, as he watched the chirpy Maree playing around without a care in the world.

"U-Uh, y-yeah!" Rosinante smiled awkwardly, as Law sighed. 

"You have been acting weirdly all day, so just spit it out already. What is wrong with you?" He folded his arms, as Rosinante fixed his collar.

"Trafalgar Law! You can't just ask Rosi what is wrong with him! Honestly, you have no manners at all!" (Y/n) shook her head in disapproval at the raven-haired male, who groaned as he rolled his eyes. "Well, if I did sugarcoat my words, I would never hear the end of it from this fool! He still views me like a damn child though I have facial hair and a voice deeper than his!" He complained towards the (h/c) haired woman, who giggled as Rosinante huffed.

"Well, you still are a child in my eyes! I mean, you wouldn't admit that you were worried sick these past days because of that stunt (Y/n) pulled!" Rosinante held his head high, as Law glared at him while his cheeks started to turn red in embarrassment, causing (Y/n) to giggle some more. 

"We all were worried, dumbass! Even you!" He pointed out, as Rosinante held his hands up. "Hey, but unlike you, I am never shy about my feelings! If I feel a certain way, I will let everyone know it!"

"That's bullshit and you know it, Cora-san! You won't even tell me why you have been acting so funny!" He growled at him, as Rosinante went to sigh.

"Fine... I am worried about our new members," He told him with a serious frown, which caused (Y/n) to raise her brows. She knew that he only got like this when he was serious and that already troubled her. What was wrong now?...

"Though I hate to acknowledge it, I am a Celestial Dragon... just like those two. I have seen what the pressure from our people can do to a child. That Mary..." He began, as (Y/n) turned her head away at the mention of that girl. What she had done was still fresh to her, even if what she had done was more of a self-preservation action than anything else...

"She, like my brother, are a product of the evil that the Celestial Dragons are capable of. Though I haven't known that girl for long, I was able to see my brother in her... Doing what she did to make herself feel bigger than she was, being fed all these hurtful lies..." He hung his head, before turning to look at Maree, who was now playing a clapping game with the hermit crabs. Their claws were shaped like drums, so she was giggling at how they were all able to make a beat. 

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